Do owls eat other birds?

I swear I saw a violent attack on a small bird by an owl outside my window this morning.

But it was dark so I couldn’t really tell.

Do owls eat other birds?

I thought they ate like mice and stuff like that.

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Apparently they do.

Kind of wish I hadn’t seen it though.

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I think owls eat anything they can catch.


Hmm. . .

Owls. Beautiful Guardians. Perhaps, (If They Do Hunger For Other Birds), They Are Much Like Spiders.

You See, Spiders Leave An Open Door, With Their Webs, A Doorway Into Death’s Embrace.

For Smaller Creatures To Rest Their Soft Bones As The Owner Of The Web Devours Quickly.

Perhaps Owls Are Jus The Same. Only With Larger Species. . .

Unusual To Say The Least. . .

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

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That’s what I thought, but I guess they eat anything they can catch.

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they also sometimes eat cats and small dogs. ive always had in my mind you should never leave a small dog outside alone for too long because hawks may attack them. owls can too but i dont see too many around here

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Never turn your back on an owl. Especially the great horned owl.

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They’re birds of prey at the end of the day like eagles, hawks, falcons etc

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When my dad took us camping, we brought our little beagle. She was probably 12 inches tall at the shoulder.

We were hiking through a forest with our dog Lucy and we saw a huge owl in a tree. Just out of curiosity, and to see what the owl would do we through a rock for Lucy to fetch near the owl. The damn owl swooped down out of the tree and made a pass at our dog. Came about 2 feet above her. It wasn’t funny anymore, our dog could have got seriously hurt.

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