I swear I saw a violent attack on a small bird by an owl outside my window this morning.
But it was dark so I couldn’t really tell.
Do owls eat other birds?
I thought they ate like mice and stuff like that.
I swear I saw a violent attack on a small bird by an owl outside my window this morning.
But it was dark so I couldn’t really tell.
Do owls eat other birds?
I thought they ate like mice and stuff like that.
Apparently they do.
Kind of wish I hadn’t seen it though.
I think owls eat anything they can catch.
Hmm. . .
Owls. Beautiful Guardians. Perhaps, (If They Do Hunger For Other Birds), They Are Much Like Spiders.
You See, Spiders Leave An Open Door, With Their Webs, A Doorway Into Death’s Embrace.
For Smaller Creatures To Rest Their Soft Bones As The Owner Of The Web Devours Quickly.
Perhaps Owls Are Jus The Same. Only With Larger Species. . .
Unusual To Say The Least. . .
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
That’s what I thought, but I guess they eat anything they can catch.
they also sometimes eat cats and small dogs. ive always had in my mind you should never leave a small dog outside alone for too long because hawks may attack them. owls can too but i dont see too many around here
Never turn your back on an owl. Especially the great horned owl.
They’re birds of prey at the end of the day like eagles, hawks, falcons etc
When my dad took us camping, we brought our little beagle. She was probably 12 inches tall at the shoulder.
We were hiking through a forest with our dog Lucy and we saw a huge owl in a tree. Just out of curiosity, and to see what the owl would do we through a rock for Lucy to fetch near the owl. The damn owl swooped down out of the tree and made a pass at our dog. Came about 2 feet above her. It wasn’t funny anymore, our dog could have got seriously hurt.
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