The owl thread

Sorry its dark…hand reveal!!!


flame do u pet owl…???

No its illegal to tame wild animals…

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Ur insane man… petting a Owl…ha ha …
anyways love for birdies haha…!!!

Its a nice bird talons are a little sharp for the bare hand though…

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What do they eat…!!!

Bugs mice other birds…meat I think they feed it cooked beef and crickets…

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yes I think they eat mice.


Flame do u have any updates on kanye west…He should be SZ…!!!

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Only updates I get are off here…searching on YouTube is a ■■■■ storm of triggers so idk…

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I love owls!! Bb bbn

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That’s pretty cool. I’m totally jealous of people who get to raise baby owls. Baby sloths, too.

I mean if cuteness could kill, this video would be lethal.


This one fell asleep when I pet behind its ears…this person may or may not have a squirrel in the same room that I lack pictures of…

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I was expecting a late night type of thread

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They logged on the property next to his…they were orphaned and would have died if he didn’t get them…if my state found out they would kill them…they have snuck onto peoples property and shot baby deer people have found orphaned and were taking care of… no warnings no notice…seems ridiculous to me…lots of us break this law lol I had a coon on a dog collar in my back yard for 6 months till his arm healed and he gained weight…

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