
Well, living on private insurance disability for the last couple years and had my second disability physical the other day.
:thinking: Im not holding my breath though. Thinking I will have to appeal again. Always do well with the pdoc part but the physical docs they use dont seem to really do anything.
They have me raise my arms, bend over, etc.
I said thats all well and good, but I have arthritis and cant repeat those positions or stay in them for long. They seem to think because I can crouch once that I must be able to do that for any duration for a job.
I dont get how anybody gets disability with these quacks looking to see if you can walk on your heels for five feet.
Frustrating :face_with_monocle:


I’m sorry. The way they check things really sucks.

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It sounds as if your entitled to it @Sherlock especially if you can’t repeat the drill. Don’t stress it.

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After my first psychosis I got some money from a private insurance of my company. They invited me for an interview and were really nasty during it. They did give me a couple of Ks though.

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If you don’t mind me asking @Sherlock
How old are you?

54 Wave, I’m still under the speed limit lol.


Good one @Sherlock! :smile:


I was recently evaluated for disability and adjudged incompetent. Failed basic memory test and could not subtract from 100 in decrements of seven fluently. She also asked me if I see “shadows” or hear voices…

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I just tell them in my assessment that I havent got anything MH related wrong with me and social services are stealing my money which is true, they never ask questions about my MH after that. They ask where I live and I say group home. I’m in and out in 10 minutes with full award.


I was asked those questions too, except for the decrements of 7. Instead they just wanted me to automatically recall a series of digits a few times, and remember 3 or 4 words.

My memorization technique as a school kid was “rhythmical-visual.” I would remember information in songform simultaneously envisioning the data. I guess at 30yo I’m already dememting…

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