Disability: POLL

Hi peeps,

Hope this post finds you well :dizzy:

If possible, I’d like to get some feedback from you folks regarding your current situation.

Poll is anonymous, but if you wanna expand more on the topic, comments are always welcome.

Thank you :dizzy:

What is your current situation?
  • I’m on disability (SSDI)
  • I receive benefits (SSI)
  • I’m on disability and work part-time
  • I’m not on disability and hold a job
  • I’m not on disability and don’t work
  • Other

0 voters

So, I’ve come to the realization that it might be in my best interest to apply for disability again.

Work has been extremely difficult to handle, and the anxiety has been raging.

Back in 2019, when I finally got medical care for SZ (after 4.5 years of flying under the radar), everyone advised me to apply for disability: the attending pdoc and therapist at the Partial Inpatient program, as well as my therapist.

I checked the SSA website last night, and it turns out I have enough work credits to apply for disability.

It’s been a right struggle with all things psychosocial-- I’m like a fish out of water when it comes to human interaction.

This in turn makes me extremely self-conscious and paranoid, because I know other people know something’s “off” with me.

Then the symptoms start rolling in, and it turns into a mental shiitshow.

I’ve tried vocational rehabilitation services, and those were helpful for polishing my resume and writing nice cover letters, but that’s as far as it went.

Not sure what my options are, but I know if I quit working, I’ll lose out on what little outside human interaction I have, and I’ll probably just get weirder as time goes on.

However, it’s been a fuucking struggle to get up and just do the damn thing.

I think I need some help.



I was on disability for 5 years… Well benefits in the uk.

It was a time I needed to grow as a person, develop, learn, experience, without the stress of work.

Not saying I became a perfect person at all. Far from it.

But it gave me time I needed. Sometimes time does heal, through circumstantial experiences… That do not involve work.

Just my take… It might provide some helpful insight


Thanks for your reply, @Zoe :+1:

I could see how being on benefits allowed you some time to recover and regroup, without the added stress of work.

It’s a big accomplishment on your part to be back in the workforce for sure :dizzy:

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Thankyou @Schztuna

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ooooh a pie chart. Fancy! I voted.


I’m on disability, but it’s through work insurance.


Thanks for voting @Bowens :+1:

And yes, gotta keep SZ.com classy with the pie charts :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile:

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I spent 8 years in the workforce. It took me 6 years to get disability. I lost work credits over that time. By the time I won my case my monthly amount dropped by $200.

The first judge I had railroaded me and my lawyer did nothing. She called my doctor a liar and said he was being sympathetic to my cause. My doctor was head of the board for psychiatry at my hospital. He was well regarded in the psychiatric community.

Social security’s doctor that assessed me declared I was disabled. The claims examiner over ruled her. She used my IQ against me. She said I was smart and trying to pull one over on the system.

I finally won my cased and I’m thankful for the income but it’s not easy surviving on a 3rd world income in the richest nation on earth. I made more money at my high school summer job in 1994 then I get now.

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I see @cragger.

So is it like you’ve worked enough years with the company where you qualify for disability through them?

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Yikes, that sounds like a rough experience @Wantsome480.

I also worry about what the deciding doctor will say, since I’ve held down menial jobs post-diagnosis and don’t have any intellectual disabilities.

I’ve had an interview before, and the doctor asked me some math questions and then asked me to name the 5 most recent presidents in descending order.

It was a strange experience.

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Can’t handle working yet. Haven’t worked in like 10 years. I’m on medicare…and my father helps me financially.

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Thanks for your reply @jake :+1:

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SS had me see two doctors. They asked me similar questions. What’s the difference between and apple and orange. Name 2 famous actors. Both doctors said I was disabled but the claims examiner over ruled them. After the first judge denied me I filed an appeal and lost that too. I had to reapply and the second time I had a better lawyer. It was a mess but I finally won.

Because you worked they’re might scrutinize the hell out of you. Or you might get lucky and win your case fast. The first time I applied it took 4 years before I got in front of a judge.

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Good gravy, what a process.

Yea, I’ll never understand why the doctors ask those questions.

And it took you 4 years to see a judge… That’s wild.

They denied me on my first try a few years ago without even seeing a judge, but I’ve heard that that’s kind of the norm for everyone.

I’ve heard getting a lawyer also helps big-time.

Sorry you went through such an ordeal, but I’m glad you’re getting some assistance now :dizzy:

No, I broke my neck in a car accident years ago. I’ve been on disability ever since. It was a small technology firm, so I was lucky to get coverage



Ohhh, that makes sense.

And sorry to hear about your car accident :sunflower:

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I’ve been on SSDI disability for years now, as I can no longer work.
It’s helped me tremendously.

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Thanks for your reply @Wave :+1:

Glad to hear it’s helped you tremendously :dizzy:

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I’m on (Belgian) disability benefits since 2012, but am seeking to get back to work. I have a review in January so we’ll see what they say. The question they will have to answer is whether I’m still +66% disabled. That’s what you need here to keep getting benefits.


I had to vote “other” because I am in the process of applying for SSDI. I am hoping to only be on it for a couple of years, while I rebuild my life… (and a career change)

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