Did you manage to stop the benzos? I want to try it

Actually I managed to start the Benzos :pensive:

Can you take them till life or you plan to stop them one day?
I liked my klonopin, it’s a very good med for the anxiety and even the paranoia…
But I’ve been there for 7 years, idk if it’s good to continue on it…
Good luck with them though! They help definitely. But my current pdoc is against them. I was before to another pdoc, around my hospitalizations, which was the heavier artillery tbh with the schizophrenics… She was allowing to me the benzos…

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I plan on stopping one day I have no issues with them some nights I almost forget to take them but I don’t think they help me very much I take 1 mg of clonazepam

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Read up on what Jordan Peterson went through during benzo withdrawal, it took a year to get better and he went through hell. He was on 4mg of Klonopin.

Your taking a really big risk just stopping cold turkey. It is a very real possibility you could have a seizure and die after being on it for so long. It’s no joke. Benzos are not like other medications.

Klonopin has a half life of up to 60 hours. That means it take about 2-3 days just for half of it to leave your body and It takes about 4-5 half lives to eliminate a medication completely from your body. So you could start running into serious problems in a few days. Be careful @Anna1

i stopped benzo after lowering my ap dosage.

I cant stop it now i think… Too many problems, that i have… I feel more paranoid without it…
I never had the desire to increase the dosage for the last 7 years, that i take it.
So is it a problem to continue taking it then?

If it helps you and there are no side effects then continue taking it. There are some theoretical long term consequences that could affect you but everyone is different. It’s impossible to say what will happen. Some people are on Klonopin for 20 years without problems, other people run into problems after a month or even after their first time using it.

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Ok, ok, thank you a lot Headspark!!!
My ex pdoc was allowing to me the klonopin on every day, iits true this. But now i am with another doc, who dislikes a bit the benzos. But he is a soft and kind person, if i tell to him, that its helping me a lot in my struggle, i think he’ll go ok with it :slight_smile:
Its just my mother, that thinks that this is a junkie story :frowning:
I have no bad side effects, plus since years, i never had the need to increase the dosage… Never, really. It affects me even psychologically to take it lol.

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I talked to this friend, who is prescribed abilify and xanax till life… She didnt even know, that theres dependency from the xanax lol… But she needs it too…
I hope, that iw ont be a zombie on klonopin. I take it in the evening and in fact, i am quite fresh on the next day now with it…

I am sad though to be on a benzo, not knowing until when… :disappointed_relieved: But it really helps me to fight. I am too scared without it and my isolation lasted for 20 years, so now all is hell… I need this help…
But no one will want me as a partner with that med maybe, idk…
Benzos are very bad seen everywhere… I won’t find the love around this klonopin, sheesh…
My ex was treating me as junkie with it, my online bf now also wants to give up on me, cause I use these kind of meds, that’s all…
But my docs said, that I am a severe case. I started to change for the better since the 3 months I’ve been on this combo - zyprexa and klonopin. But in my mind, klonopin is just a drug for the weak ones… I’ll have a lonely life probably with it…
I don’t see the others , who take benzos, as weak, but for my case, this is a slavery in a way idk… I mean, that instead of taking the red pill, I am taking the blue one now :sweat: I warn, that right now, I am just sick and low…

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