Did you have people say you are nobody, you cant do anything

I had people in my past, that say i was a nobody, i can’t achieve anything, i never believed them, i can’t believe that had the audacity so those things, who has to right tell you who are, they dont know you, they dont know you capabilities, seriously these people in actually hate them selfs, so they put people down to make them feel better, I got rid of these people out of my lives, I proved my wrong all wrong, i graduated college, got into trucking travelled the country, i did things a average person couldn’t do. so F@ck negative people and haters, you dont need them, you need positive people that believe in you and support all the way. Do you guys agree or disagree? Let me know your opinions. I really want to know. If had these people in your lifes too?


Yes, you are right oe1489. You can’t let other people dictate what you can and cannot do. You never know until you try.


yea your right, I just dont understand these people too, why you say something so bad to someone. really your violating human rights or something i dont know you dont have the right to say that. Guess what i love the haters, it give me motivation to prove them wrong, thats what there doing give me negative energy turning into positive thats all. There not hurting me there making me stronger thats all.

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Yeah. They’re dream squashers. Just rise above their low blows and live your life to the fullest


Yea realize that too, yea there just jealous they cant do what your doing so they try to bring you down to there level, it never works for me though. lol. i just laugh at them. :laughing:


I haven’t had anyone recently, tell me I couldn’t achieve anything.

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Thats good, but i had people that said that to me.

That’s not a good person to be around, if they said that too you.
It’s what you want to do with your life that matters.

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yea without those people, i nothing prove too, so yea i need to them there negative energy so i can prove them wrong and laugh in there face. lol :laughing: I hope you understand that.

Yes, and I kicked them in the balls.


No, but I can see it in their eyes.

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I’ve been really lucky to have not had that really happen to me. I’m sorry you did, but it sort of sounds like you over came the negativity. So that’s really good.

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yea i love it, it gives me energy, with my haters i never became the man i was really so i appreciate them. keep them coming baby. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Bring it. lol :laughing:

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My father, when I was a teen, used to tell me that no matter what I wanted to do, I would end up being a prostitute. Or, as he worded it, a whore.

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Yea there is this prick idiot. Who said stupid things about me.

I don’t associate with the idiot anymore.

They did it too many times to ever gain my trust again…

Tbf they never had my trust in the first place


Holy crap ! Did sweet little Oola just say that?


Well you’re neither so you proved him wrong


Thats it horrible, im sorry you had to go through that.


Yah, cause no one can’t dictate what I can and cannot do. :grin::grin::grin::grin::crazy_face:


My own parents think I’m a looser and have called me trash and scum of the earth etc

I have heard some nasty things in my days from other people too.

I am not productive but I don’t base my worth on my productivity.:open_mouth:

I love myself now I know myself.

People can be so nasty and judgemental.

Although I feel I may want to be around people who are not so destructive lately but who try to take care of themselves and the environment and animals.

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