Normie people are mean

I just visited my therapist a while ago, and the conclusion was that I do whatever I can to get liked by others and so live in a lie by not being myself, because I believe that others are mean. I know you are going to put this into unusual beliefs, but I 've experienced this since I was a little kid…I never thought people are good since I remember myself. I 've been crying ever since I came back from my therapist. This is a big truth about me.

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Hey rose. I am sorry you are upset. I agree with you that some normies are mean. I think people who have experienced mi are a lot easier to be around cos they are less judgemental. I myself have no real friends anymore. I have tried to make new friends but have been judged by them. They say ■■■■ like take responsibility for your illness and junk like that. They don’t have a ■■■■■■■ clue. Yeah people can be mean.


People are mean unless they experienced breakdown themselves. Just don’t give a damn.

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I don’t think this is an unusual belief. I can relate to being a people please-r. I get so anxious about doing and saying the “right” thing when I’m with other people so that they like me. I have a hard time giving my opinion on things because I want to make the other person happy by not disagreeing with them. I get so caught up in this that I never show my true side and never really let anyone get to know me. However instead of thinking everyone is mean, I go the opposite way. I tend to think the best of people, that they are better than me, and end up kind of idolizing others as perfect or having a perfect life.


I agree that people can be vicious to anyone who doesn’t fit in perfectly. I never had issues as a kid but once I hit middle school people started to realize I was a bit off…I was never bullied but was still treated like a weird girl. (Aside from my friends others didn’t really want to associate with me)

I feel like the more education kids get about differences the more understanding they are though. For example the best friend’s program in school is connecting special needs kids with other kids so that they form bonds, when previously these kids might have been badly bullied. More awareness should be raised about mental illness with kids. (And adults!)


Sounds like a breakthrough in therapy to be honest. Which is a good sign not a bad one.


everybody has a different idea about normal,

like is normal someone who hasnt had mental illness in their life bc that isnt normal lol

so in order to be nice you have to have suffered mental illness or something? i think everybody has suffered something at some point

so i would say you have to be ill to be considered good?

idk if i am making sense,

i go against the norm anyway lol


whats a normie?


Thank you all for answering I 'll answer to everyone of you personally through this post:
@Jimbob, thank you for your support and I just hope you will find friends, other than here, because you have us. Of course they are mean when they tell you such things, maybe they are stupid too. I hope you feel relieved like I was today. Have a nice day.
@sarad, you are so right, I have also observed that, you are making a point with what you say. Wish the best for you, too.
@Skims thanks for the support too, you totally are not worse than other people, as I told you privately, you are much better. You and I try to please others in order to get accepted, but that’s false to do. We must care about ourselves more and see our value. Why are other people better, I never knew the answer for this, although I have believed it for all my life, it’s the stigma talking and not us. We are valuable to many people, and we are much better than those who judge us.
@Anna I can relate to your life, I 've been through the same and even worse than yours, I got bullied in school all 12 years…About education, I don’t think every person is born a racist. It’s a brainwashing that comes out and maybe school instead of taking this off, it maintains it. :angry:
@Dreamscape yes, you are right, it is a breakthrough, indeed, it made me cry but not as a sorrow, but as a relief. :wink: I just wish I had done therapy many years ago, so my life would have been much better all these years.
@daydreamer people with mental illnesses, especially with sz, are more sensitive than other people, and most times they are the victims, and other are perpetrators. I have proof for that. Apart from bad behaviours by the normies, when I was hospitalized for some time, I saw people there who had been dumped there for money by relatives! So, this is not just an idea that came into my mind. They also laugh at us, call us crazy and many others, even some people in US killed some mi people.
@san_pedro, by normie I mean someone who has not sz or any other severe mental illness, I mean the healthy people.


People like to have someone to bash out on. Kinda like chimps picking on the lowes male in the hierarchy. Lets hope his animalisic behaviour is dealt with through awarness programms.

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I have learned that mean people like no one, especially those that try to please them.

The harder you try to please them, the less respect they have for you, knowing they can continue acting mean to you, and not only will you accept this, you might actually try harder to please them.

This is the only thing that actually gives them pleasure, having a little control over someone, so they are not about to relenquish any power soon.
They are attracted to you because they need you, but you don’t need them.

People that are worth being friends with will accept the differences in others without being disagreeable, or try to change them into being them.


most people i have met have been very understanding with me, they know i have had real bad mental health problems, they know i take meds and they treat me as an equal, i trusted them enough to tell them that is, i thought it would be better out in the open as it would avoid confusion and also i like being honest about it, only thing is that i dont use the horrible ‘s’ word if you know what i mean.

its good if you can find people like that that you can trust,

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I think you’re being too hard on yourself. There are much worse ways for a person to be. As long as you don’t let other people take advantage of you I wouldn’t worry about it. We all engage in impression management. People often make fools of themselves doing that. They shrug it off.

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Mean people are mean; Sensitive people are sensitive. Not all “normies” are mean, just as not all mentally ill people are sensitive.

Some “normies” can be nice and caring and helpful. If you choose to think that “normies” are mean that’s all you are going to see.

What I’d suggest is for you to focus on liking yourself, and focusing less on whether people like you or not. Mean people prey on people with a lack of self-confidence, and people naturally gravitate to people with a healthy amount of self-confidence. Like yourself, and try to ignore what the mean people say, and gradually things will get better.


Thank you all for your answers, you all gave me a different perspective and an alternative thinking, I hope I will like myself (it’s true that I am hard on me) and that I will not think all people arev mean. I am feeling a little better today. All of you be well!


take a deep breath…you’ll be fine.
bug :bug: hug
take care :alien:


Yeah, I tend to think about what people think of me rather than what I think of them whenever I’m socializing. It’s hard to change.

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I think mean people are mean… “normie” or not.


I have found most normal people to be impressed by me. They also say they would have never guessed that I had schizophrenia.

Normal people mostly do not know suffering like we do. I have been a victim of prejudice and discrimination before in some settings. I like to just outperform people who hate and then flaunt my crazy. I am damn proud to be mental. Normal people can’t handle this ■■■■. I mean it. If everyone experienced what I have, I bet that half of them would kill themselves. I have no choice but to be proud of having survived hell. It makes me feel superior to people who are perfectly normal. It’s like how we respect veterans for surviving (especially dying in as well) war, because war is hell. Schizophrenia is hell. We are all at war with ourselves. We are our own worst enemies. If I hate anyone, I hate myself. We are attacked by our own brains.

I just have to focus on not being expendable and actually being worth something. I honestly realize that there is something deeply wrong with my empathy. I only feel empathetic towards truly sick people. I don’t count. I give myself no pity because that is not the way I function. I do what is necessary to achieve my goals, which means resting at times, but I am my own worst critic.

I think that some normal people are just naturally inclined to be mean. Not all mentally ill people are good either.

It’s funny because when I was evaluated, I showed up as clinically significant in psychopathic deviance. But just by a hair. I hate myself for what I am. I can change who I am but not what I am. Who I am is what others think of me and my actions. What I am is a sick freak of nature. I can’t help but notice my nose flare a bit and my upper lip twitch when I make eye contact with anyone. It’s like my face is trying to snarl but I force a smile.

See, I hate myself.

I was thinking while looking in the mirror while shaving tonight, “who do I truly hate?” The answer is “I hate myself.”

I see myself as an anti hero. I am ■■■■■■ up but what I want to do in life is extremely altruistic. I can’t tell if I hate myself and just want to give my life away like I did when I was a teenager or if I actually love myself for overcoming my flaws and have found a purpose.

I don’t even know.

Normal people are mean sometimes. I just out lined a book on the social psycholgy of prejudice and discrimination. Some people just can’t help treating us like we are abominations and less than human. It’s called stigma. We are negatively perceived and discriminated against. That’s life.

No, that’s a challenge.


Starting to talk like a hero dude.

Had a thought while reading…

Sadly for…

Oh yeah if half of these people had been through what I’ve been through they’d prolly off themselves.

Sz the most abstract form of suffering. Very little pain. Stretches you to all kinds of breaking points.