I did and I didn’t have much to do with him because I was so backward and only a child anyway. But I loved the way he’d say “By cracky!”. He’s a farmer now. Pigs and corn. We were both nominated for homecoming king and queen but didn’t win. After the crowning, we danced together. Just once because he didn’t believe in dancing. It was kind of awkward.
Having some pleasant memories this morning.
At 6: a prince who would love me even if I wasn’t a princess,
or a princess who would let me be her prince
at 14: Someone caring with dreamy eyes
now (30) Someone with a minial or healthy amount of baggage, warm eyes, and a caring soul
When I was a teenager there was a girl who kept kicking my chair and throwing papers at me where she did draw hearts. She was one of the two hottest girls in my class. My mental age did not match my age back then, I didn’t understand what she wanted back then. I wish it would happen now lol Ppl and my family told me I never live in the present. Pretty sure sz caused me mild mental disability.
They say my mind is on the moon, not earth lol
Its like saying that I am an alien and not a human.
I never had a boyfriend, I had best friends though. I was a lonely kid but they comforted me more than I can say.
When I was a child I think I thought Tarzan might be a good boyfriend because he is one with nature and lives with the animals and is pretty free etc
Probably not stable enough for me though as he seems to be on the move all the time.
When I was a teen I wanted someone smart and attractive. Still the same now.
You’re probably tired of hearing about the cute Jehovah’s Witness girl I ignorantly bought Valentine’s chocolates for. But that’s the first one that comes to mind.
We were each other’s sweethearts but I was too shy to say much.
Fernando de Madrid the most beautiful sweet opinionated Spaniard!
Haha I’ve heard that song more than once on this forum.
I have a imaginary girlfriend now. Here she is
For some reason I didn’t think about having a bf for a very long time. Like didn’t consider it until about 26
I also had a crush on George Michael when I was like seven or eight or something.
He was gay but I adored him.
I liked my sisters friends, they could be really nice to me (and they were cute).
Yeah just a cute face and some nice titties
When I was in 5th grade, the coolest guy in school came to my house to ask me to go steady. He had all these rings on his fingers, because he was a real ladies man. He asked which one I wanted. All we ever did is walk to school together. I don’t know how it ended. He always had a lot of girlfriends. Once I found my first real boyfriend, I didn’t really care.
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