Did you ever get a violent reaction from touching somenone?

I have. I get nervous, now.

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I try not to touch those I don’t know

Yes, but, also, you can think you know someone and it should be ok to touch and then realize you were wrong. :upside_down_face:

@PinCushion unkess it’s my husband I ask before I touch… good rule of thumb

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My wife knows I strongly dislike being touched without advance warning and asks me first.


My father forbade me to object to a man handling me when I was a kid. He was a jerk.

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@PinCushion sounds like it

I’m a very touchy person,

So, yes actually.

I was in my late 20s when I realized I was the problem and that touching strangers or near strangers is totally out of line.

I don’t do that anymore, but I’m very touchy with people I know well.

People’s space needs to be respected,

For a long time I just thought I was being friendly,

but not everyone immediately associates touch with friendly.


No but if someone touches me I jump 15 feet into the air.

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I have a friend who I like. I don’t like him touching me or hugging me, because otherwise I fall in love with him. I don’t want to cos I’m not strong for love atm.

Yeah from her boyfriend. Just kidding.


I don’t like getting touched especially from people I don’t know well

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I cringe from being touched unless I know people well.


It’s one of the reasons I mostly stopped attending AA in person. People there hug too much and you just don’t do that now with COVID out there.


I dont like being touched unless i consemt or if its my partner

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Never ever touch someone without consent. Even with someone you know who has regularly consented in the past, it’s important to make sure there is ongoing consent.

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I don’t have a problem with being touched

But I don’t touch anyone besides hugging my family members

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