For any reason ? Did you? Would you ? If so what would be the reason. ?
I hyphenated our names because we wanted to it’s also a social signifier.
When I was a kid I got bullied over my surname I definately changing it at some point.
I would be proud to keep my heritage if I were you. Indian names are beautiful.
I wish I felt that way about my heritage. To me it’s a surname id gladly part with.
Was in from school kids bullying your name cause it was different - or do you not like it yourself?
I think both I hate it caused me to be bullied. It’s got a lot of negativity associated with it.
Ouch - so they won.
I believe in owning and changing the narrative. That construct made you feel bad. And throwing it away feels like you want to erase it.
My maiden name was OK. But I love my husband’s last name a lot, so I was excited to take it when we got married. And I liked the idea of us having the same last name.
I took my husband’s last name. My maiden name is my middle name now.
I love last names that are first and middle names. @rocket
My last name now is a mashup- no nice ring to it really. - its Puerto Rican + Vietnamese.
But I like it.
I got bullied for having a Jewish name at a Catholic school. I eventually owned it and it helped me develop the belief I was Jesus reincarnated haha. No it’s all true but seriously I owned up to it I’m proud I’m half Jewish now. But there’s somethings it’s hard to own up to in bullying especially when they’re lies. What do u do when the bully makes something up about u playing off your ignorance of the situation…it’s hard.
That’s how I feel. Own it.
But if you don’t like it - definitely change it.
Don’t change your surname @anon25873142
You should be proud of your Indian heritage
I have a rare hard to pronounce Albanian last name.
I would never change my ancestors name.
I would if I lived in another country and wanted to blend in more. But right now there’s no need for that.
Usually when a woman gets married, traditionally she takes on her partners surname. It will happen in my case too… I guess I can keep it as my middle name but I haven’t made the decision yet.
I’m a triple mix, I’ve been made fun because of that, mostly called a mutt.
My surname is Scottish in origin, but I’m only 1/4 Scottish, I’m 1/2 English and the other 1/4 is French.
Don’t be ashamed of your heritage, embrace it. You gotta learn how to put a positive spin on your heritage. When someone would make fun of me for being a mix I’d tell them “I’m a triple threat, I have the intelligence of an Englishman, the humour of a Scotsman and that certain je ne sais quoi of a Frenchman, what do you have… insert negative stereotype of their heritage”. That usually shut them up. Sometimes you have to give people a taste of their own medicine.
I like my surname so I wouldn’t change it.
I wanted to, because I hated it.