Literally thinking of changing my legal name from Karen

The name my mother lovingly gave me 28 years ago when I was first born is now a slur and I’m not sure if I can stand it much longer, I’ve tried to ignore it but idk it makes me feel so bad… Like I’m a bad person for a name I didn’t give myself

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Really, going on about a silly name joke is exactly what people think of when they use it. It isn’t a personal thing. Do you have a short haircut like a puff in the back? Do you ask for the manager? Do you go after people for no reason?

Stop taking it personally. I don’t take it personally when ever Julie in a movie is a preppy mean girl. It’s just a phrase that will fall out of fashion soon enough.


Don’t take it to heart.
My given birth name has been kicked around somewhat.

It’s the person behind the label that counts

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If you don’t like being named Karen, you can always just start going by a different name. Us trans people have been doing it for ages. My own best friends don’t know my legal name. Starlet learned my legal name at the official adoption. I have been in relationships where people didn’t know my legal name. You’re allowed to just start going by a different name.

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@anon4362788 don’t be a bully it’s not just me who feels this way

People say their name is Karen and they are being called racist from STRANGERS

You know what maybe you’re right, maybe I should shut my ■■■■■■■ mouth and not be upset because my ■■■■■■■ feelings aren’t valid

You’re really taking this to the extreme. If you want to take a silly name joke that far, go ahead. But as I said, by throwing a fit you’re just playing into it. And I’m not being a bully I’m just being honest. It isn’t my fault you’re taking it this far.

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@Twialine nobody said you aren’t allowed to have feelings.

You tend to get obsessively upset about specific things for a few hours, then calm down later on. You already have open threads on the topic of hating the Karen meme. Making multiple threads about the same topic is one of the things you do when you’re in a state of feeling intensely upset.

I totally get that way too, sometimes. I get stuck on a thing to be upset about, and can’t get over it until I discuss it to exhaustion and my brain can finally let it go. But you will never be able to stop a meme from being popular. it is something that happens. We place trigger warnings on threads for common triggers. The Karen meme is a very specific trigger for you. You are totally allowed to be upset about it and to have an intensely negative emotional response. I personally have an intensely negative emotional response to posts about death metal. But that is a very specific trigger to me. It is therefore my responsibility to manage the way I feel when people post about death metal. If I do not feel capable of seeing those posts, I stay away from places likely to contain them (music threads, things specific metalhead members post, etc). If you do not feel capable of being exposed to your trigger right now, it is your responsibility to stay away from places where you are likely to see it.

Zombie is not being a bully. I think you are overreacting. You can embrace who you are, or change your name. Or both. But when people call other people names, it is not a personal insult to you because you happen to have the same name. Unless they are calling you a Karen, in which case that’s worth thinking about why you are being called that.

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İf my name was goes viral negative political and far right way i would upset you are not wrong @Twialine

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