Did you get forced to go to the mental hospital or did you go on your own

I got forced to go to the hospital. I was super delusional, and my parents called the hospital. They told my parents I can either go voluntarily, or they would call the cops and force me to go. So I chose to go voluntiraly.

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surprised you got in. I didn’t have a death plan, they wouldn’t take me.
it does nothing anyway. just a reprieve.

I was sectioned.

I have been hospitalized twice voluntarily as an adult and stayed no longer than 6 days. so thats twice in the past fourteen years…

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I never went because of any threat. My first hospitalizations I went for my safety and because I couldn’t take care of myself. I didn’t want to go but I went voluntarily. I got out in 1982 and during my relapse 6 years later I had 3 or 4 hospitalizations that I went in voluntarily, either checking myself in or my pdoc brought me in.


Was escorted by the police

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I went to the hospital for heart problems but then out of the blue it turned out to be schizophrenia, I didn’t believe pills could really solve anything, I got worse and then got sent to the hospital through a court order. I don’t think what anyone did in that regard is wrong.

I just wish the hospital had been willing to talk to me before I went home about side effects and things to look out for. I suffered through a week of sever akathiesia

My mom drove me to the hospital, and later when I’d recovered enough to be sane I went to the court house.

The lawyer said I was an odd duck for not having a criminal record.

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Last year into this year I went to the hospital 4 or 5 times. All voluntary. I was becoming a danger to others.

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2016 the ambulance came to pick me up twice.

If I resisted it would have been forced.

In fact it was sort of forced cos I told them I want to die leave me alone. They said that’s against the law come with us.

So cos I didn’t wanna go jail I unwillingly went with them

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Each time I went, I was told I could go voluntarily or else I’d be arrested and forced to go. I didn’t bother to fight it


I did go voluntarily. My boyfriend called the hospital and they figured that I was very delusional. I didn’t quite understand why I should be in a hospital but as I said I did go willingly because my boyfriend and therapist found it so important. I don’t know what would have happened had I refused but I spent a lot of time reading the hospitals journals/notes about me because I was so confused why I was there.
That was the third (and last time I went). The first time I thought that the social services were after me and trying to make me kill my self. So I felt safe at the hospital. The second time I also went willingly because I believed I was dying of cancer and so I thought that if I was in a hospital they might be able to help me.

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Idk Police told me I have to go to mental hospital, I agreed and they brought me there.


I did try to escape though, more than once. Was very dramatic :joy:

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TW - I checked myself in after a suicide attempt, but they simply sent me home. I had to get my sister to accompany me, to even convince them to take me. Our hospital is f*****


I’ve been 51-50ed a few times, I think 7

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Second time in 2016 I was very reluctant to go into the ambulance too.

As I felt they would strap me up.

Then chop me into thousands of small pieces with the scalpel :woman_shrugging:

So it took a lot of encouragement from their side.

Probably the voice was making me go in too

Can’t remember

As it was a stage of hell

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Decades ago during the early 1990s I was voluntarily hospitalized in our local hospital psych ward for a week.

In 2016 I was involuntarily hospitalized twice for a total of 5 weeks.

In 2019 the cops drove me to the hospital.

In 2016 the ambulance took me to the hospital both times.


The last time I was in the hospital I was forced, it was because I was delusional and my mom called the police, the cops came, arrested me, put me in hand cuffs, and took me to the hospital. But the cops were pretty cool, they didn’t treat my like a criminal, they understood the situation and treated the encounter as a mental health issue, and one officer actually apologized for putting me in hand cuffs but said he had to do it. I wasn’t belligerent or dangerous, just delusional.

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I went twice in an ambulance, once voluntarily, and once I went to the emergency room (for a different reason than being psychotic) and they admitted me. I was transported to a different hospital in cuffs by the police one time and I’m still unsure of what happened there. Oh well, probably best not to think of it.

I recall my mother picking me up at my apt and taking me in during my initial mega episode. So, first time was vountary. I was put in numerous times since then both voluntary and involuntary.