Both my parents were narcissistic to a degree. My mother was the worst. What about you?
My parents had cluster b traits in general, I see a lot of narcissism in my mom, and now that I’m older I can see how much emotional pain they’re in too.
My father has NPD traits, I don’t think he’s a full blown narcissist
My brother is closer to being a full blown narcissist than my father.
But my brother is not really manipulative but he can be abusive
No. But I’ve heard people claim their parents were narcissists. I wonder if that is truly the case.
I wonder that to, but probably there are some out there
Not always of course.
Well, I’m learning they weren’t interested in each other. Too nervous.
I think mom has had a mental illness, for a long time, and she has anosognosia.
It could be SZ, too, but I am unsure.
My father may have SZ, also. He has been odd for a very long time, and may have had tardives, when I was a child. But, he seems rather narcissistic, so I don’t know. Can these conditions be comorbid?
Yes my Mom is Narcissistic. She gaslights me. Most of my life she was very sweet and nice. Now the relationship is toxic with a lot of nice/sweetness and then some coldness. She’s not an aggressive person, so she doesn’t say overly aggressive mean stuff, but she knows the buttons to push and how to say it.
Must be in the nature of moms. Most of them they know what buttons to push. Especially if you are a son.
Yea that’s true but I thought mine was a rarity or uncommon, since I usually dont hear of mothers acting toxic to their adult sons.
Yeah, whilst i dont fully believe in the unofficial criterion all the time. I do have a narcissist parent.
With distance, it’s okay. But when there’s no distance, it’s toxicically dysfunxtional.
Every body is narcissistic. Its not matter. But our parents love their children very much is the matter. How a child blame their parents narcissistic if they love him. If a man is not narcissistic then he loves his children, is a false statement.
I don’t think mine are narcissists, but I do think that the stresses of poverty and generational trauma caused them to behave in pretty narcissistic ways at times. It’s a vicious cycle.
Narcissism is not an universal condition, thankfully.
No i don’t think so but both my parents seem schizoid.
I don’t think either of my parents were narcissists, but it really hurt my mom when she found out we weren’t the God fearing Christians she thought we were. That time is long over, though. When I was little I wanted male bonding from my dad. I think that is very common among young males, and a lot of them don’t get it. There are different ways a father can bond with his son, but a lot of fathers just don’t know how. I recall reading this short story about this guy that kept his son in the trunk of his car when he went to see his mistress. The two biggest things in his dad’s life was his mistress and golf. One time the son asked his dad if he could offer him some pointers so he wouldn’t grow up like his dad, and his father looks at him and says, “In twenty years you will BE me.” I think Turgenev wrote a book titled “Fathers and Sons”. Maybe I should put it on my reading list.
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