Did anybody's ties got cut since ill?

I just saw a thanked post for the support given to someone I don’t know by someone I used to care. I get hurt with these things because I didn’t get this or other support ever for something that’s even harder to endure than taking a degree imo. I see people getting further away.

I have some people on Facebook. Very few. Very very few. But I cannot forget things like “I’ll call you up for a coffee or tea” and never do. And stuff like that.

What do you do? Cut ties literally even though you’re suffering, like removing friendships on FB (the ultimate step). Or continue to maintain them giving the illusion that someday it will change for the better?

Mind you that I have literally no friends. I have contact with one person that was on the hospital with me on FB and that has Sza too but that’s it. No normal people in my life. I’m starting to find normal people very selfish. It’s that or I’m getting bitter and bitter every day.

Your thoughts please.

I can’t help, as I feel like my situation is like yours. This website isn’t so bad, you do get some support here, so long as you don’t expect too much.

I’m thinking of investigating whether or not I can get a social worker. They would be someone I could talk to.

My family and extended family are fair weather family only.

I wish I could find an idea for you…

It’s hard keeping in touch with people… it’s hard when people say they will can and don’t…

I do know some people in my life are very afraid of mental illness… don’t understand and really can’t get their head around it.

I’d say don’t cut ties… but try to be patient.

It sounds like your in that tight spot of letting people know what your going through… or just trying to deal with it alone. It’s hard to let friends know about this illness.

I hope you can find a way to let them know you need a little extra help getting up and moving.

Life can change for the better… but it takes a long time.

Good luck… I’m hoping the best for you :v:

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They’ve known for 12 years.