Developing insight

I hear voices that comment on almost everything i do, even think. It makes it harder since my mind is bombarded by disturbing intrusive thoughts all day. The voices, indirectly, say im “evil” and “wicked” and im going to hell no matter what i do. I also believe people from a nearby town are reading my intrusive thought, and they are planning to capture me and torture me. But ive been hearing this stuff for a long time now, and nothing has ever happened, and the voices so often say the exact same things over and over, sometimes in an identical tone of voice. I know that if it was real, id already be dead, and im starting to see that the voices are just me talking to myself. The voices also contradict themselves often, so i have no way of knowing which are “real” or not. I need to take that step into “who knows?” Any advice?

Numerous psychiatrists have told me I have above average insight into my symptoms. The rule of thumb I use is that if a normal person would consider the thing I believe to be unusual or worse, I should do everything I can to doubt that it’s actually real. This gets easier with practice.

They’re not real. If you succeed with a good medication program you can see that they do weaken and become quieter and you gain more of your own mind back.

It takes time to see the faults in the stuff they say but have no doubt they can be both right sometimes and wrong other times. At the end of the day it’s your own mind

I don’t think the hallucinations are a part of us. They come from outside ourselves. There is a lot that science doesn’t understand.

From where do you think they come?

Gotta make sure your voices have no power over you. Hopefully you can eliminate or tune them out with treatment. Mine got stopped being hostile and reduced in frequency over time. They’re still distracting from time to time but I don’t really listen to them anymore. I got sick 7 years ago but didn’t have insight for the first couple of years.

Other people. It is hard to say whom, much of the time; it is never 100% certain who they are.

Mine tend to sound like different people, sometimes.

I used to have a lot of thoughts in my head that didn’t seem to be my own.

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When I told my pdoc about my persistent delusion he was happy that I recognized it as a delusion. It meant I was being rational even if my delusion was nuts.

How did you get rid of them?

Hmm. . .

I Enjoy How The Conversation Slowly Inquiries Into The Idea That These Hallucinations…,

Come From Something Outside Of Ourselves.

For Years There Always Existed A Clear Division.

Those Who Are Convinced On One Side Of The Fence. And Those Convinced On The Other Side.

The Division Seems Unmistakably Strange.

If You Have Studied Your Personal Diagnosis Within Clarity. Take Your Medications.

Search For Hopeful, Honest, Coping Skills.

And Do Your Best.

Whether You Find Your Thought’s And Voices To Be Your Own or Not.

In The End, What’s The Meaning Of The Division?.

If Your’re Weak In The Respect Of Unable To Handle The Stress Of Daily Psychological Chaos.

Cannot Function In Any “normal” Way. Within The Sphere Of Thinking It’s All Coming From You.

One Can Quickly See The Troubles The Officials Now Have.

How Is It Schizophrenia If You Are Convinced All Of The Troubles Stem From Yourself?.

I Understand That The Medical Community And Professionals Publicly Agree With That Thought.

But!, I Am Honestly Convinced There Is Something Much More Inspiring, Much More Beautiful.

The Division. The Fear. The Chaos. Spirituality. Separation Of Church And State.

Medications. Money. Society, Civilization, And Mainstream Culture Of Acceptance And Denial.

Alpha/Beta Structure Of Provider’s And Peasant’s. CONFUSION. Suffering, Torment, Anguish.


It Is Complicated Situation:

With Those Who Understand, Those Who Refuse, And Those Willfully Ignorant.

With The Entire Pyramid Of SZ & SZA.

To Put It Bluntly, A Question Arrives From Me To You Dear Reader.

Are You A Vegetarian, Or A Carnivore?.

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