Does This Count as Psychosis?

I’ve noticed that many of you hear voices and yet you know they’re not real. You know they’re hallucinations. I have this a lot too. If I hear a voice from outside of my body and know it isn’t real, am I psychotic or not?

You are having hallucinations but no delusions. You have insight. Insight means you know what reality is despite what your senses are telling you.

I guess that doesn’t answer you question now that I look back on it but (I just got back so I don’t know) if you aren’t seeing a doctor it’s better to see one soon.

Yea those are voices. Sometimes the most sinister symptoms start like that and then cascade into full blown psychosis. Perhaps a med change is in order

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It’s just called insight. People have varying degrees of it. Last night I saw a severed head on my dresser. I have insight so I have the ability to know that it was impossible for there to be a severed head on my dresser, so I knew it was a hallucination. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m still seeing something that’s not really there.

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In the middle of a med change right now, sir.

sometimes I can tell the different between what is real and what isn’t but other times its very difficult for me to tell the difference. most of the time the difference is obvious. i’ll be in a room alone and I will start to hear voices but when i’m in with a crowd of people the voices are harder to tell if they are real or not.

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