Deteriorating mentally

I really feel like I’m deteriorating mentally… I’m probably just having a bad day…

But after the weird incident with my husband last night and hating how I look today… and now my friend who I was supposed to hang with today is talking about us getting a hotel in the city sometime soon… and I just don’t feel safe traveling there… ugh. I’m really having an “off” day.


Hope you feel better soon @anon61987434 .

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Sorry to hear that @anon61987434 . Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully these feelings will pass.

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Thank you @eighteyedspy23

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It’s okay. I kind of hate complaining about stuff cause sometimes I feel like people think you’re doing it for attention… but I really feel bad :confused:

Definitely… hoping tomorrow will be better


I feel this too… I am not OK, and need to accept that, but have difficulty with it… hard to accept, because I don’t want to. But I have limits as well. I need to accept my limits but don’t know how

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Cognitive decline is real. It is one of the only things that scares me. I feel it in how I speak and in how I read and write.

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I understand human. My decline is happening and it was hard to come to terms with. But we can only work with what we have and where we are at.


Just a bad day, I’m sure you’re not deteriorating. Treat yourself to something nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s support for burnt out new mothers at your Hospital I bet…check it out.

Good luck. Hope you feel better soon! :slight_smile:

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i declined cognitively in my 30s i think.


I just turned 32 and it started about a year ago

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