Depressive venting

Starting to become extremely depressive and upset today.
Guess I enjoyed my manic days while they were around.

Feel like curling into a ball and dying. I hate myself for being like this I wish I wasn’t mentally ill

Don’t worry I’m just venting not actually going to do anything, forum.


I hope you’re feeling better soon.

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Are you on any mood stabiliser ?

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Honestly wish I was

I’m sorry dude. I hate those depressive nights. I hope you feel better soon!

I have been there, @ZanyNotStoopid, and it is a terrible feeling. It’s so hard to go from being able to do just about anything to being in such a dark place. I hope you are able to get out of this funk soon.

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I was depressed recently. Mainly due to the side effects I was getting from the antipsychotic I take, which hopefully have been corrected. I sure as hell hope so.

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