I am feeling lousy now

how are you feeling?

sometimes i feel like i am in a lose-lose situation, even after all these years that i’ve been treated for sz.

this mood usually starts with some paranoid run-away thoughts.

is this common?

what’s the solution? Mind control?



I just wait these feelings out, because I know it’s all going to get better.


I have a crappy feeling during some part in the day. I usually take a nap.

I’m feeling pretty lousy now too , so you’re not alone.

Nothing a benzo couldn’t take care of. But I don’t have any.

It seems like a never ending struggle sometimes.

I hope you start feeling better Judy.
I felt manic yesterday and took extra Depakote to stabilize.

Feeling better today.

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I’m sorry you are feeling down today. @ifeelblessed Bring this to your Pdoc and see if he/she has a solution for you.

I am feeling a bit lousy, too, because it seemed my brain could not withstand hard work which is necessary for writing a good book.

I’m feeling a bit down. Feeling like I don’t belong, very antisocial lately. Hope your day gets better.

new day. new hopes and dreams for the future starting now.

thanks for all your feedback. they’re quite helpful for me and i am sure others as well here.

i am on my break at work and i hope nobody here slashes my hopes up.

hugs to you all, judy :joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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Its a new day with endless possibilities.

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