Demons and Angels

Try thinking positively?

They also think that of me! They ask me if Iā€™m a demon, I wonā€™t go too deep into it as to prevent psychotic breaks? But I relate to you!! Do you have a cat? I have three with my gf, my two and her one.

YES! positive! if you expect the demon he comesā€¦do not expect things, breathe and clear yourself out with perhaps a guided chakra meditation on youtube? Get headphones and relax and take up the work of cleaning the inner through curing the real time environment after your meditation. You can totally do this they do NOT control your mind, they donā€™t really have the powerā€¦but you do.

Yes. I had three precious cats. One died and the other two went missing. I have a new cat now. and the demons say things like: ā€œBe my demon queen.ā€ Itā€™s sickening and I get horrible nightmares of the devil in a manā€™s body chasing me down.

coming from a guy who is accused of being a fallen angel/demon lost on the earthā€¦by (mind powers)

I had an ex mason tell me that itā€™s fear mongering and he said that I need to watch what I feed my brain. They also try to get me to take the mark of the beast. This illuminati boy I met twice said Christian music doesnā€™t get rid of demons when it actually does.

The only thing Iā€™m afraid of is my symptoms controlling my dreamsā€¦okay? So I engrain methods in my mind dedicated to blindly defending myself from the conditionā€¦Iā€™m not saying to take the methods I use to your real time environmentā€¦NEVER. But maybe this art would help you think about how to defend yourself from illness? I find a vent through martial arts sometimes, but I wouldnā€™t say I take pleasure of being hit over and over again by tactile hallucinations. Soā€¦I fight back the inner to preserve my real time environmentā€¦here are some of the things I have studied since leaving army in 2004. Maybe learning a martial art will help you obtain the confidence to shrugā€¦(or fight the internal battle) of the illness. Remember this isnā€™t for real time environment, and this post coming up may get flagged by our community. I hope that whatā€™s coming isnā€™t a mistakeā€¦

Yeah, I wanted to take defense classes or learn some form of martial arts.

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A recovered schizophrenic said God healed him and it happened when he got close to God. He no longer hallucinates and said demons mess with our central nervous system and they can sense what people are thinking. They canā€™t read minds (Job storyline shows this because the devil didnā€™t know he wouldnā€™t curse God). C.S. Lewis wrote about how they operate, but for some individuals they go further and thus we have schizophrenia.

These arts were briefly taught to me by my father, who studied SO MUCH in texas martial arts. Yet he never approved of me killing in the name of the govts. word. He knew I didnā€™t belong there, that I was to be a cultivator of science and ideas. I continued to learn from the masterā€™s posts of from who he learned, though I am blind I have learned to mildly defend myself from my enemies without vision. I know this seems very extreme and some may consider it psychotic? Yet I donā€™t think you know who I deal with on a daily basisā€¦

Theyā€™re bloodthirsty killers.

Yet think of your condition as being in a pit of despair in a jungle of confusionā€¦you are alone and trapped in the pit of this illness right? Okayā€¦God starts looking with his grandiose ways and beholds you just standing in that pitā€¦not struggleā€¦not climbing out with fanaticismā€¦

That was meā€¦till I decided I canā€™t wait for God and if he beheld me in this pit doing nothing, he wouldnā€™t truly understand how badly I want to leave this pit of despair in the jungle of confusionā€¦

Donā€™t give up!

Are they evil people? I met four evil people in a psyche ward. One claimed to be a mason, one said I have a third eye, a boy knew details about how I pray, and the last guy knew details about my hallucinations.

Ever try risperdal?

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Hated itā€¦Iā€™m on 80 mg lurasidone (MAX) 150mg Zoloft (sometimes 200) 3mg prazosin (yet I still have nightmares so weā€™re upping it next VA apt) abilify 15mg a night or 30 mg for a two day if I canā€™t find a pill splitterā€¦

My bitch tits grew on resperdal, and it locked up my urinary tract during the trials and had to give my self catheters and show the piss bad to va so they knew (how much) was going on. Hated itā€¦week of catheters.

WHY do you want to know about evil people??? Brush that dirt off your shoulder you know the difference of right and wrong. And if he really was a mason/ā€¦well I dunno what to say. Avoid bad people.

Youā€™d hate clozaril. Ever try haldol? It hits a variety of receptors and itā€™s a partial agonist of 5ht1a and if you go rigid theyā€™ll give you cogentin.

I donā€™t want to know about them. They followed me to the psyche ward so I want to stay far away from them. I threw out every number they gave me.

Well donā€™t worry then, you have a choice in who you want to be you just truthfully need to ground yourself and learn to preserve and defend your inner sanity.

Yeah. It gets hard though. I usually feel down. I just hope my pdoc doesnā€™t make me wait a month for his help. The voices push me towards suicide, which is what they want. I watched The Apostle Peter and the Last Supper. That helped me.

Geez man sounds like youā€™re sure reaching out to the light huh? Well think about the inner workings and spiritual workings that will show up in the long run. Donā€™t give up! Youā€™re not the antichrist, you know?

Do to them just what they are doing to youā€¦and do NOT follow any of their negative orders/suggestionsā€¦ ask them what THEY would feel like if they ceased to exist, if they careā€¦make them imagine it, describe in detail the darkness and loneliness and no one left for them to bother in any wayā€¦floating alone in a black hell void, discarnate, without a body to inhabit or possessā€¦have they had enough yet?
Or switch up and show them love and show them how pathetic and pitiful they areā€¦use a combination of bothā€¦and be fastā€¦faster than themā€¦every time the say something have a comebackā€¦cut them off, overrun them with words until they are the ones reelingā€¦

I swear sometimes they just pick on people because they want real competitionā€¦