They both exist and you must confront the spirits in the name of Jesus, test them to see if they are real or lying… Demons can be tricky but can be overcome…
It’s a very trying and tearing game dealing with any hallucinatory entity, yet my life is flooded with questions about me being the demon…not the demons haunting me.
I have tried that, lunaseer. I have said the invocation prayer of St Michael several times. ‘They’ won’t go. So are they are product of my mind or are they angels? Because if they are the latter they are doing some odd things, I must say. ‘They’ embrace me, which is very comforting and peaceful, and then they do stuff you wouldn’t expect angels to do. Don’t get me wrong, ‘they’ haven’t hurt me at all, it is just unsettling. The weird thing is that their hands can sometimes generate warmth and have a sedative effect. Can the brain do all that? How do we know it can’t? We admit that as a species we know more about the surface of the moon than the human brain.
@neveragain: What started first, your tactiles or the voices? Can I expect to start hearing voices soon?
Best wishes,
I started with voices yes, I have to say it took awhile to get this far in life…
Have to go strait to Jesus, not saints or anything else… And sometimes you have to keep on it till there is a breakthrough…
Even in the book of Daniel the angel heard Daniels prayer but was held up for 21 days by a demon principality… so even the angels sometimes have to be persistent.
My apartment, the radio and tv were possessed by demons for a while and I think I was in hell.
I am happy that they are indeed angels. Something happened last night to convince me of that. I don’t mind saying that I was in tears (again) over all this stuff. I asked them who they were (I can’t see or hear them, I can only feel their touch). I said that if they were ‘lost spirits’ I couldn’t help them. That all they were doing was causing upset. They then left me alone all night and only returned this morning. This single episode has eased my mind and heart considerably. If all this was a product of my mind this wouldn’t have happened (they are normally with me all the time), and if it was the ‘other lot’ they would not be concerned about my feelings. They would only be too happy to cause upset. I realise I have to accept all this. When I accept it ,I am happy. When I dwell on it and fight it, I become very depressed and turn to drink.
By the way, Jesus did speak to me last year in a mental vision. He told me not to be frightened, so I always have that in mind too.
I really appreciate forums such as these. They are non- judgmental. I am sure plenty of people in here probably think I am a few sandwiches short of a picnic but they would never say it. Here, people are respected. However, were I to post such comments in a Christian forum I would be flamed and shot to pieces. They are unfortunately stuck in their ‘head religion’. I can’t believe I am posting stuff like this. I am a rational person normally. But I have to accept that it is all real. I am not making it up or going insane. God, Jesus, angels. They all really exist. And they are far kinder and gentler than the judgemental attitude of some Christians would suggest.
Best wishes,
Maybe…it all depends. I’ve been on them and many will accept spiritual experiences. Some will tell you anything but strict fundamentalism is demonic, which I do not believe, since the Bible has many examples of more unorthodox activities that border on shamanism, albeit in Jesus name or YHWH’s power…
And even here there are some who will consider any spiritual or religious experiences of this nature delusional…but that goes with the territory. Plenty who understand though
Sometimes I think I’m possessed and the voice said I am while I typed this.
Michael protected me once. I kept hallucinating off the meds they put me on and when I saw the illuminati boy Michael appeared in a vision and the boy wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
Michael is the patron saint of paratroopers…I had the pendant on my dog tags.
How do you get rid of them? They want me to kill myself and they say evil things to me.They even call my loved ones names in my head, which makes me hate myself because these aren’t my thoughts and I’ve been accused of just secretly not liking people. I can sense figures over my bed sometimes and I had sleep paralysis twice.
Maybe try to clear out of paranoia through a guided meditation or listening to Gregorian chant to calm you down…
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against thee
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved thee with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in thy will,
and walk in thy ways,
to the glory of thy Name. Amen
Just left my pdoc a message. I asked him if he’d give me trilafon with the clozapine because at 600 mg I’m still suffering and clozapine doesn’t hit d2 as hard as other antipsychotics like trilafon. Can you pray my doctor will agree?
Hey hey, ground yourself okay killer? This is a manic episode, I get em’ a lot…I can tell you’re wiggin out but don’t give up. If this has been going on for more than two weeks you need to tell the doc okay? If this is something in the last three days maybe you can stomp it out with therapy instead of a medicine change. I’m not telling you what to do…just don’t panic and be open minded and breathe deeply.
This is YOUR beautiful mind, ruanbe. You have the upmost authority in your creative intelligence to potentially battle anything that you come across. I’m not saying you are like an x man or something in real life…yet aren’t your thoughts capable of creating anything?
So this is a mania? I miss my old manias. I would save up wads of cash and get bummed out as I spent the money and I’d super clean the house or mess with gimp/photoshop.
It’s basically been this way the entire time. The voices and impulses aren’t as strong, but they’re still there, just reduced. The voices tell me to betray God and it upsets me. There was a time on seroquel where it kept calling me the antichrist and I would see the faces of strangers with one eye open and the other shut.