Some say sz gets better with age, but other sources say that it deteriorates constantly. what’s the truth?
I think both are potentials. If you do things for yourself to maintain perspective, like conversing on this group, you are likely to manage better.
yea i wonder same… for me it seems to be getting worse with negative symptoms and paranoia but most positive symptoms seem to get better as long as i’m on my meds… i don’t know how i would be without my meds but last time i tried to taper off i ended up in psych ward again so i don’t think that gets better.
Positive and negative symptoms
It has been commonly understood that positive symptoms of schizophrenia decline in later life, while negative symptoms dominate the presentation in older age. However, findings from several studies have invalidated this notion. The International Study of Schizophrenia (ISoS) assessed 18 global cohorts over 15- and 25-year periods and found 77% of patients had no evidence of significant negative symptoms over the course of their illness.3 Similarly, a longitudinal study of institutionalized geriatric patients with schizophrenia showed no significant changes in negative symptoms over time.4 From a clinical perspective, negative symptoms do not dominate in older adults with schizophrenia and are often expressed in a similar magnitude seen in younger patients.
According to that it niether gets worse nor gets better. At least for negative symptoms.
My mood symptoms and positive symptoms have gotten better over time but negative symptoms and cognition have worsened with age.
It depends, some people improve others get worse.
Some remain the same.
My mood and psychotic symptoms have completely disappeared with age and meds. But my negative and cognitive symptoms are worse but stabilizing with exercise, meditation, music practice, reading, prayer, socializing per internet, good sleep, and nutrition.
@SkinnyMe great combo. Sounds like it works very well
yeah. I’ve found this to be in excess, though. now I just want to go with the flow.
I’m progressively getting worse cognitive wise and health wise.
I have been wondering this too. I hope more consistent and accurate medical research lets us know what to expect and how to handle it.
I’ve only had serious symptoms for a couple years now and I’ve found that over that time the symptoms have gotten more severe but my ability to cope with them and pull myself out of the hole have gotten better, I think or at least like to hope that at some point the symptoms will stop increasing but my ability to deal/cope with it with will continue to grow and it’ll become less destructive/disruptive in my life
I imagine that it varies from person to person.
@Om_Sadasiva the scientific consensus is that it is not degenerative.
Some people show some decline in cognition in the long term, but it’s not a large decline. On average cognition is stable or shows mild improvement.
If some sources say it is degenerative, then they are not up-to-date on the latest research or for some reason disagree with the consensus.
Mine seems degenerative. I blame supplements too besides other things. My diet sucks and that plays a role. I don’t exercise anymore.
I never hallucinated, but my DP/DR and sensory distortion improved drastically. I heard negs get worse and mine have over time as well as my delusions. I seem to get smarter with time but that’s probably a delusion.
Also, degeneration refers to progressive brain damage. So research on it tends to focus mainly on cognition, not so much on positive and negative symptoms.
Neuroimaging studies generally show little change after diagnosis.
Positive symptoms improved a lot, negiative symptoms,are worse!
In my case positives got worse and negatives better
Degenerative especially cognitive domains like attention and working memory.
idk, i hope not. i pray it gets better not worse.
Symptoms improved for me but not 100%. I like to say I’m recovered but not completely.