Dating fail

So that guy I was dating said he just wants to be friends today. Ever since the night I told him about my diagnosis, he grew less interested, but he kept telling me that it wasnt the schizophrenia. Sigh. That was the only real successful relationship I had ever had- the rest have just been casual partners.

Feeling like diarrhea right now

I told you not to tell about your sz to this man, but this just shows how people react. As I have read your postings you are a quite straight forward person saying exactly what is in your mind.

I felt like I needed to tell him. My friends told me to tell him. It was long-distance anyways and he had relationship problems

Maybe you are also ‘Better off Alone’

You did well. If it was the schizophrenia, better off now than down the road.


Had to tell him, it was either now or later right?

Besides you are a prime grade a cut of meat right? Shouldn’t have a problem meeting someone else.

No need to feel like diarrhea at all.

In my opinion you need to look for that high functioning schizophrenic that you’ve been waiting for.


One of my best friends who goes to my school is one- too bad he isnt my type- he is also bisexual

I think you disclosed your diagnosis too soon because you need a long time to revealing your merits and to let him get used to your existence. Once he gets used to your merits and existence , the deficits of you will weigh less on the scale for him. So at least half a year is needed for him to value up your merits and existence. It’s all about a balance between the good and the bad from his perspective.

Did you asked him why he doesn’t want to be with you if the reason of it is because you have schizophrenia?

I think some people can accept schizophrenia some cannot,i had a idea of telling my girlfriend about it after 1 year,i hope she will not be disappointed,we will see

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Hate being rejected because of illness been there before mortimer,don’t worry he doesn’t know what a good mouse hes lost :wink: <3

I know it sucks… I know it hurts… this is no consolation… but not a lot of 21 year olds settle down permanently.

I’d say… it was long distance… he was older… he has had relationship problems in the past as you’ve said…

I’d say don’t blame his wishy washy on your SZ.

It’s taken me a long time to understand this… but sometimes when people leave me… it honestly has nothing to do with Sz and everything to do with compatibility… where people are in their lives… If his life is taking a turn else where due to family… jobs… astroid… who knows.

Now that you know sort of what your looking for in a more serious relationship you’ll recognize it sooner. I don’t know of anyone who ever settled down with their first love.


you will find the right person, or they will find you.
take care