I’m gonna destroy this relationship too

And I posted this here because sometimes my symptoms make me feel so intensely and now I’m not that into him wtf?

@anon80629714 I know that my schizophrenia makes me more submissive
and more vulnerable to manipulation.
The question you should ask yourself is this:
Am I with this guy because I really like him, or am I only with him because of my mental illness?
In other words, if you were completely healthy, and fully functional would you still want this guy?
I think these questions are key to your evaluation of the relationship.


I really do like him. He’s a gem. I won’t find anyone like him or I’ve met so many idiots I don’t want to let him go. But I don’t feel as psychically atttracted to him as I did yesterday. And I feel my feelings change like this constantly. It’s not fair on him.


@anon80629714 if so go ahead with your relationship.

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@anon80629714 why you post only about dates and boys? don’t you have other interests? no offence. :wink:


I don’t have a lot of experience actually being in a relationship, but I think feelings often fluctuate, even for the normies.


Okay I have no experience being in a relationship.

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Ish has posted about her art, which is really good.


Well duh that’s why I was called the serial dater for a reason. I’ve never had a boyfriend btw this is my first real one.


I hope so @IndustrialLad

I like her art too. I mean there are so many things in life. the dating thing has become an obsession. May be harmful.

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No offence but and maybe it’s just me but these kind of comments make me feel like a whore :flushed:

@anon80629714. I think you may be putting too much pressure on yourself and over thinking this new relationship. Just try to relax and take it slow and see how the relationship develops. :slightly_smiling_face:


no don’t say that. maybe overromantic…

Thank you. Maybe an obsession but I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want it to go wrong.

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Ish, if you want a relationship you’re going to have to accept one of these guys. You might end up living alone when you’ve gotten old. This guy sounds pretty good, but if a solitary old age is okay for you, then keep rejecting these guys. I think I have decided to live my life alone in my old age. I don’t see a woman in my life as I get older.

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Just tell him and follow your heart. The best thing is to talk to him and explain what you feel. Maybe he wont understand but he will feel it. Its all about feelings isnt it?


It’s totally normal to be all in one day and meh the next. As long as it doesn’t go over the edge to dislike you’re fine. Can’t be all in all the time unless you’re manic. And even that can’t last forever. You still like him or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You just aren’t feeling intensity. The intensity will come and go. That’s normal. P physical attraction, even, may get more or less. But as long as he doesn’t make you ill, just ride the ride. It’s still new. Things will settle in eventually.


Yes I think it was mania. But I won’t mention it. I do like him so that has got to be something (as I’m not manic)


Don’t take a rash decision @anon80629714. Even if you start a serious relationship with this guy, some days will be better than others, you will sometimes get into fights etc. Get used to this idea. It won’t be a constant fairy tale !!

But try to see the big picture… so far everything went well, which is great. The guy definitely deserves a chance. And YOU deserve to know what love is and what a relationship is all about. If you ditch the poor fellow on a whim, you will miss out on so many beautiful moments together.