Earlier in the evening I met with the counselor who visits each unit about every three to four weeks. The last time we met, the neighbor lady I’m having trouble with came in to solve our differences. We talked for almost an hour and things went civilly and reasonably.
I was guilty of saying a few “unfriendly” things to her when she sat out back and so we talked and agreed I would let her alone. Fine, no problem. Then we just talked about how I punched the wall a couple times in anger and how that was inappropriate. Fine, I quit cold turkey. And so we were all happy and good feelings abound.
I was at work the next day about half-way through the day and the meeting crossed my mind and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought “WTH!” She’s been bugging me and driving me crazy for the last 6 months. And we hold an hour meeting and all that got accomplished was she gets let alone out back (fine). And that I stop what I’m doing. Fine. But basically the bottom line was that it was determined that she was 0% innocent and I was a 100% guilty. It took me a day for me to realize this.
And I stewed about this. In fact, I got a letter where the property manager told me cease and desist bugging her and they actually itemized two incidents as evidence against me in the letter.
And by the way, I’m not in the habit of picking on women, in fact I’m grateful that I get along with the women at work, I got along with ALL my sisters female friends. Some of them like me others are neutral and I’ve actually known my older sisters oldest friends for more than twenty years and they are ALWAYS friendly to me and vice-versa. But this women neighbor looks like a friendly old woman on the outside but she is deeply disturbed and a non-schizophrenic.
There’s being mean and being underhanded and there’s being sick and treating people worse than a dog. I mean she can be sincerely friendly and nice but yeah, her and the guy upstairs are deeply troubled, and he knows I think he’s scum.
So the counselor and I are chatting and I told her that I didn’t want to spend the whole meeting on talking about me and the neighbors.
BUT… we talked about them and then after we got into talking I mentioned the prior meeting about making me look like I was bugging people for no reason and how that meeting made me look like I was arbitrarily bugging people unprovoked.
And this counselor has known me for two years and I slowly saw it dawn in her eyes that that lady had lodged this complaint while the whole time she had been doing so much sh*t that she somehow conveniently left out of the complaint. And then me and the counselor got real and I started telling MY side of things.
And so the bottom line was that the counselor wrote a complaint letter about the two women neighbors! And not only that but the counselor started making fun of them and saying just a couple of bad things about them! Who says life ain’t fair??!!! They can laugh at me all they want because that complaint letter is going to the property manager and it makes them look sooo bad.
In fact, the counselor gave me this conspiratual look and said something like “You gotta admit, you must feel a little good that you are turning the tables on them.” I had to laugh and admit, yeah, it feels a little good, and we both laughed. I barely mentioned the guy upstairs but he’s next. He thinks he’s so damned smart. These guys want to take advantage of someone but they’re about to learn something about not treating someone like an object to be controlled and not even treating them as human.