Cutting the cord

My husband and I talked a while about cutting the cord. Our cable bill is just too hogh, especially fpr people that watch only 2 or sometimes 3 channels.

I signed up for a free trial of Paramount has the channels we watch which are a local news channel and Nickolodeon. And we have Disney+ for a year and Prime Video. Maybe Netflix soon for Ragnarok.

We also have a Samsung TV with a roku type of setup and also free Chromecast that came with a game purchase. So no technical set up needed.

Even if we paid monthly for 3 streaming services it would cost a lot less than cable tv and internet. We will save $75, maybe more if you add fees and taxes.

Our internet is the top tier and we just got a new modem and router Friday. Our old ones were 3 years outdated and not even supported by updates!

Changing hardware increased the heck out of our speeds. My son said his ping on one game went from 50 to 19. Pages load and my anime plays with 0 buffering.

Have you or would you cut the cord?


Do it. I did a long time ago and never looked back.


I dont watch tv. Dont have cable for years. I have the cheapest internet package $142TT per month (about $20 US). I get 25 Mbps.

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We cut the cord a long time ago and don’t regret it. It’s saved us money over the years, I don’t have to watch any commercials, and I can binge all my favorite shows. Win, win, win.


I havent had cable since i was 15. We had the rabbit ear antennas to get a few channels.

I have amazon prime now though so ill watch a movie every now and then on there


Cut the cord almost a decade back. No regrets.


i have roku now. works for me and its free.


Same. We only have amazon prime and Apple TV and HBO - all part of a package for shopping, phone and wireless bill.

I only watch YouTube - so really don’t need extra major streaming channels.


We have. But we just got it back because we can’t get every Lion’s game from other streaming sources where we live. The games get blacked out, so the digital antennas won’t work for us. They claim you can get all your local sports but we tried it and you can’t


Still thinking about cutting out cable.

And land line phone service which is included with my cable service.

I have an Amazon Firestick and also have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

This is all I really need.

I’ll be saving at least $200 a month


I will never have a chord to cut. I’ve never been into TV and if I want to watch a show I stream it when I want to watch it.


Roku is da bom!


we haven’t had cable since we lived in this house…all we have is a dvd player…we have netflix dvd and get one a time…ten a month…yay…I miss my oklahoma sooners games but listen to them on the radio…good enuff for us.


I went without tv or internet for years in my last house. I had the Netflix dvd, pkus I had friends that burned a lot of them for me and mailed them.

But I don’t have to do that now since we live in a served area.


I have Roku free TV, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and will soon get my sisters password and share Netflix before they crack down on sharing. This is more than enough. But I don’t watch a lot of TV.


The local cable company quit providing cable, they want everybody to use their streaming service. I have Prime, Netflix, and commercial -free YouTube, plus a few antenna channels. I don’t miss the cable at all.


Absolutely do it. I did it back in 2017 because I was a teenager living on my own and just couldn’t afford anything other than wifi and I don’t miss cable one bit.


Do you think that having nothing to do with regular tv is good for us?
I remember feeling a slight kind of connection with the broader world years ago when i used to watch tv. Maybe its because im australian and now that i only really stream netflix and such i dont get much australian content.
I know that tv is basically mind numbing crap. But there was something to it back in the day.
I havent watched any regular tv for maybe 10 years.
Overall though im happy with the new streaming world. Even though it might sometimes divide us and place us in our own little in/out groups depending on what you subscribe to.
Anyway enough rambling.


Paramount plus has live tv, so i won’t miss the news or anything


Been telling my father to cut it because we don’t need it… we have Netflix, prime, hbo max and a bunch of streaming apps. He would save so much… he can be stubborn though.