Creating a sense of normalcy on a schizophrenic website

Don’t like one single woman on this site.

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Normalcy on a site for schizophrenics? Gluck!!!

Daze! :sunglasses:

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That’s unfortunate, as I have found several women here that have been compassionate and helpful. And that’s just with a small sample size, so I’m sure there are even more out there

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I used to sing Carly Simon to my babies,

and it was love of women, Helen Reddy, Aretha.

I know what it means.

What about the married ones?

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If a post is judged by a post, ok.

But if it’s judged by the person, and hated from deep seated resentment,
then what is this site?

Not all schizophrenics are truly “nice people”…male or female

I tend to have a bias towards @anon84763962 @hedgehog @sunshine @ifeelblessed as genuinely nice and serene women. Not sure how you can dislike those women and a few others…

Yesterday me and my therapist were talking about mean people and she said “pray for them”…"pray that they find serenity " if they are meanish in any way.

I believe I used to be a not so serene person, and my therapist probably once prayed for me, and now, I feel I am fairly serene.

Hope this helps.


i think i should just go, be back in a while

it doesn’t.

nothing about serene bu-st

it’s an ignoring, turning away, stopping an exchange.

Anyway, I’m going away for awhile.

My time here is wasted, except you wonderdunk.

Have a nice evening, my friend.

Everyone leaving :crying_cat_face:

Take care, Daze. Hopefully we’ll see you again soon.

Your therapist is wise. Never give up on who you believe to be @turningthepage . You are nice yourself, helping others on this site and spreading ideas. All the best to you!! :hatched_chick:


I believe if you pray for serenity in others, that approach will bring serenity to yourself :rainbow:

It’s a two way street that can be of no harm

And thank you :). You are kind.

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I’m here rhubot what do you got to say or is belittling yourself to do so

There is no “we” rhobot

Unless you mean you and your tribe

And that’s the main problem conquer and divide

I don’t have any sort of argument with you, Daze. If I did, I would say so. I have in the past when we disagreed.

I meant only what I said - if you’re leaving for a while, take care, and I hope you come back soon. If you’re not leaving, that’s good, too.

You may think I stand outside

I never thought that you did.
But the “we” is how you separate.