Covid-19 What do we need to stock up on?

I think flour, yeast, sugar (homemade bread and other things). Eggs (long shelf life). Non perishables like Peanut Butter. Seeds like Tomato seeds for indoor gardens. The Joy of Cooking in case the internet goes down and we can’t get recipes online.


Canned food, it will last.


Last week I stocked up on: apple cider vinegar, canned soups, ramen, cheese, soy milk, and other essentials that have a long shelf life. I also got a lot of tea and herbs. I have read online that apple cider vinegar, oregano, ginger and honey can help fight viruses. They aren’t cures, but they can ease coughs. Aside from that you should have some tylenol, ibuprofen and cough medicine. Luckily we have a box of nyquil, dayquil, and throat spray. But that isn’t much if this lasts longer. I encourage others to stock up on as much as they think is necessary for the coming days.


I went to the store and bought skittles. I got some other stuff too but the skittles tho.


Canned foods and plenty of them.
Especially beans because they are high protein

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Because of covid19, I now have 4 large boxes of Life cereal and no milk. That’s what they delivered today.


I have about a week to two weeks worth of food stocked. I’m buying and eating fresh food for immediate use. I stocked on rice, beans, soup, Mac and cheese, Gatorade, water, etc. I tried to get canned veggies but didn’t get much of them because they were sold out.

You can eat cereal with cold water instead of milk. It’s not bad actually. I’ll be doing that myself in a few days when my nonfat milk runs out.

I have two large boxes of cheerios.


Oh no!!! You mean you ordered milk but didn’t get it?

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I’m stocking up on cake, donuts, and candy lol


The stores are out of most everything. I wanted to make spaghetti tonight but no ground meat. So I bought some lunch meat for sandwiches but barely no bread so I got some fresh rolls from the deli. And I had to get some kind of weird lettuce I have never tried. Butter lettuce. It’s what they had. It had the roots still on it.

I do have a lot of meat in the freezer though but I am out of ground meat.

I stocked up on chocolate chip cookie and ice cream sandwiches and fruit.


My dad went out and bought 20 gallons of gas. He has 2 or 3 5 gallon gas cans.

Yes. I ordered nonfat powdered milk and didn’t get it. Not even powdered milk! I couldn’t get toilet paper either.

I keep 2 chest freezers full , so i wont be out panic buying. Theres about 10 bags of pasta in my cupboard and ive got 2 boxes of powdered milk, so that will do me, along with about 40 assorted tins.

My local shop at the end of my road has everything else. It only serves my estate really, so i dont expect him to run out of stock.


I got extra meds. I hope they won’t close the pharmacy. I can’t imagine myself without meds.
The world will be hell if people are out of their meds.

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I know but I don’t like cereal without milk.


I ordered Ramen, canned goods, frozen pizza, chicken and ground beef, snack foods to facilitate stress eating, Gatorade, water bottles, cold/flu medicine, and Tylenol. We have a large pantry that is full as well as a stuffed deep freezer, fridge, and regular freezer. We are pretty covered. My only concern is for my pets. I tried ordering a large bag of food for my dog through as well as guinea pig food and litter, but it never showed up. I waited, then checked on it a few days later. It just said “pending”, so I cancelled it and ordered through I really hope I can get it that way. Technically, my dog could eat chicken and rice, but my guinea pigs can’t, and they don’t have much hay or veggies.

Also stuck on that Charmin. Sure could use some Charmin.

Personally I’ve been stocking up on Canned food mostly, as well as hygiene products…

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