What are you guys up to? I’m in bed with body aches and a fever, hopefully this passes. I’m watching T.V and browsing the forums, i took some cold medication and a prn- I feel out of it.
I hope it’s not covid. And I hope it passes soon and you feel better.
Thanks!!! I really do appreciate your kind words. I hope so too, : c lol
That’s what I had when they wanted me to be tested for Covid19. Body aches and a low grade temperature.
I’m winding down on the couch with relaxing music.
Hopefully I don’t have covid, I’ll just quarantine myself just to be safe/.
Nice, that sounds like a good idea. I might just put some soft lo fi music in the background to wind me down to sleep, to recover.
In my case it went away in a few days. I stayed at home for 14 days too. My sample was lost, so we never knew if I had Covid19 or not. This was back in September.
Thats good that you are doing better. Yeah that was a good move, I see sorry to hear atleast you are here.
I usually take a lot of vitamin c as i can’t overdose on it. When I have cold symptoms i squeeze a lemmon in warm water and drink it. It passes time and its good. Honey with warm water is comforting as well.
Thank you~! I was just looking up some natural remedies, really appreciate the recipe! I have some candy vitamin c, so i will snack on those lol. You the mvp @anon53623539!!!
Eucalyptus oil, chamomile is good to inhale when you got trouble breathing. The chemist might have better mixtures to inhale.
Thank you. again!!! : D
I hope you’re well for Christmas. Rest up and take it easy. Drink fruit juice. You’ll get better.
Thank you : D. I feel a little better I’m off to buy some orange juice. I have a sore throat but I’m getring better
Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks @disciple :=D
I had covid19 2 months ago so I am still immune to it. I have been gaming and talking to friends more these days so I am much less active on this forum.
I’m nursing a chest cold myself. My doctor gave me an inhaler and put me on a steroid, and I am just about well, but I am still going to take it easy for a while. I want to make sure this thing is gone before I get out in the weather.
Awww, man I hope you are feeling better. I’m glad you are just taking it easy , what you playing?
@crimby We are on a similar boat, I’m feeling a little bit better compared to the morning, hopefully when I wake up it clears (highly doubt it), but wishing hurts no one…