They say zyprexa has the highest affinity for the H1 receptors of all the ap’s. Could a antihistamine somehow alleviate going off zyprexa? Particulary I’m thinking about sedation(sleep) since zyprexa excerts most of it sedation through h1 receptor.
I did try with a antihistamine called valergan many years ago, but it just paralyzed my body while my brain was still awake when I tried going to sleep. But I guess different antihistamines excert different effects, so I might be inclined to try another one.
Maybe cut back from 7.5mg to 2.5mg zyprexa and take a antihistamine. The goal is decent sleep.
You can buy the generic version in the sleep aid Dept much cheaper it’s called diphenhydramine k it’s the same thing look on benadryl bottle ingredients it’s exactly what it is
Yes but you build rapid tolerance to antihistamines unlike how you do with antipsychotics. Histamine isn’t the entite picture it’s probably only going to work well for a week or two. Taking antihistamines is going to have feedback loops to hormones which aren’t favourable
try orexin antagonist drugs (suvorexant, lemborexant,Daridorexant) it have no dependence or tolerance and doesn’t cause weight gain according to researches.