Conscious dreams

Hi, has anyone tried the conscious dreams? I can’t seem to get into them because of the medication

What’s conscious dreams?

A lucid dream is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

I have been dreaming a lot lately. On past medications, especially Clozapine, I didn’t have any.

I dream a lot and often lucid. I wake up several times each night out of a dream.

I watch videos of dogs being rescued on YouTube. Sometimes the dogs are starving or injured but it usually has a happy ending. Last night I dreamed I was in a huge house with many rooms. I got a towel (in my dream) and I was going to take a shower in a bathroom but I left the bathroom and there were so many other rooms I couldn’t find my way back. I met someone else and they said,“What a cute puppy”. Then I noticed I was carrying a puppy.

I set it down and when I set it down it’s fur was mangy and it was injured like the dogs in the YouTube videos… I walked off and when I got back the puppy had wandered off. I knew I shouldn’t have left it since it was injured and I thought, “That poor puppy is going to suffer becauseI can’t take care of it.” So I distinctly remember telling" myself (in the dream) “You better wake up because if you wake up the puppy won’t suffer because it won’t exist.” So I woke myself from the dream.

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Oh yes, i have lot’s of lucid dreams despite meds

Very Rare, but yes I see them.

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