Confused unga bunga

So i have this idea that we are stuck in a “cave”. It has to do with the matrix movies. That our screens are like the shadows on the cave wall and that they are being used by puppet masters who control us through the use of illusion. What if this place is an illusion? I’ve heard it suggested that this is a hologram, but what is there to gain from that process? Are we entertainment or are we used to produce something? Thoughts?


Then it’s my illusion :wink:

I’m not sure I completely understand this belief, but I don’t think that you are thinking logically. It seems you have just pulled some belief out of thin air and are considering it as a possibility. What evidence has led you to this conclusion? I believe in facts and evidence to come to a conclusion. Believing something based on a sci fi movie and some assumptions your mind has made does not register logically for me.


I don’t want to belittle your struggle, though. I had some far out beliefs while in psychosis myself. I know that it is difficult to control your mind in this state.

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Faith in the unreal leads to disappointment

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I just feel like we’re being manipulated. The screens have a lot to do with it. They are used as a tool for control.

Just a feeling. Not a fact. I urge you to try to analyze your situation based on facts not feelings. I would take your own and advice that you gave in SpaceOptics thread and question your beliefs. It was good advice.

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I’m in a web @Bowens . In the pit. I’ve seen too much

Either everyone is a liar and i am in denial about that or I have an illness and I am in denial about that. It still doesn’t explain the stuff I’ve seen. someone is watching me

My puppet master is probably very disappointed in me - I have a habit of going off script.


Is this another reddit term? Reddit is full of them.

unga bunga? Its an noise/words associated with cave men.

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Oh I thought it was one of the many reddit conspiracy theories.

Nah, just some made up phrase that people associate with cave men saying.

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Looking at the internet, they seem to associate with gorillas and other things though. Im just guessing his intent. I could be wrong

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Why search for an alternative explanation when the truth is already bat@$%! crazy?

We’re on a globe of wet dirt in a sea of stars and we spin around a gigantic ball of hellfire, with several other globes of dirt, all of which are horrible hellscapes compared to this one. Animals eat other animals, some animals eat plants, one of the animals is smarter than the others, learned how to talk, became an apex predator, and is now soaring in population.

People fight over resources, most people just live to bring up a family, and we all have to coexist with each other as it all happens. We fall asleep at night, our brains dream, we wake up, they stop. Some of us have SZ/SZA and the brain sometimes dreams while we’re awake. Other than that, we are okay. We use medicine to help thanks to the technology of science.

Everyone’s a meat bag controlled by a brain, physics and astronomy have been figured out, there’s not many unanswered questions left anymore. Also nobody’s watching you, what use could they possibly have with knowing when you eat and sleep. Think of us humans as ants, just a ton of ants. You want to know what an ant does? They all do pretty much the same thing.


Tim Horton’s just got busted for tracking people on their phones to see if they were going to their competitors, but I think that’s the worst of it.

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Well I mean people follow the hell out of you on the internet with cookies thanks to targeted ads, but I guess my point is, nothing bad is going to happen to you as a result. At least it’s not the type of spying I think OP is concerned about.

I hate targeted ads. My mom bought some clothes on my computer once and I saw ladies garment ads for three full frikkin years afterwards.

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I thought that I had alien nanotech implanted in me to track me and even read my thoughts. It could also receive thoughts from the tech in others and insert them in me. I could argue about it in very granular detail. Felt real as hell and I thought I had seen things that confirmed. Those turned out to be visual hallucinations - I get those when I am floridly ill with SZ.

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I had similar delusions when I was sick. For me hearing the truth was helpful, maybe it isn’t for others. My brother won’t listen to reason so I don’t know why I keep asserting myself, but I like to think maybe at least one person on this forum might get to where I am thanks to some reality checking.

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