Complex PTSD trigger warning

Hi im looking for any support advice anything because i struggle with hypervigilance every day, nervous in every situation eg being in a car, talking to anyone etc
Feel like im always walking on eggshells
Avoidance of everything nearly
Trauma memories for decade flashbacks, waking up from nightmares occasionally
Trouble sleeping or too much
Numb to emotion except fear

Im sorry to share all this but im only just starting to make a note of things. Its hard to think clearly about it unless im writing it down

Can anyone give me any advice welcomed

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Hey @anon85745701 what you say is how I feel on a daily basis. I think it’s because I’m alone so much. I get nervous thinking about driving, going in a store, like I literally over think EVERYTHING. Do you feel this way too?

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Yes certainly do

Is it from childhood trauma? I hear EMDR can be helpful

I did emdr therapy for 5 sessions but it wasnt enough

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I feel the same way, but I don’t know how to resolve it.

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