Complaining about other generations

This is like a hot button… what the complainers fail to see… they act like their oppinions are the only valid ones… plus the terminology is a joke… good work picking up all the douchewords fox news made up…

Plus the root of the problem is the older gens… they failed to create clones of themselves and now they make fun of what they dont know about…

Im not even in the offended gen and i find it annoying… either teach the children better or keep it to yourself… if your not helping dont complain it just further proves your worth and weight…

Prove me wrong…




Lol *heavy breathing from pure Patrick intensity…


The terminology is a marketed form of sociology that the media bastardizes for their own purposes. Millennials aren’t even born after 1995 lol


Def… its propaganda to keep the gen populace at odds with itself… its easier to control small groups vs the whole…


I wouldn’t get so upset about what Baby Boomers say about Millennials. The generation who likes us least is also the generation that raised us from birth, so what does that say about them? :grin:


I was just about to say that they are the largest population right now and also the next ones to die.

People do hate their kids though. I watched this psychologist from canada talk about that a little bit and he goes on to say “you spend 2 hours fighting with your kid every night to get him to bed, now lets extrapolate that to 1 year and what does that add up to? 4 months. You spend 25% of the year fighting with your kid, do you think you are going to like him? Do you think he is going to like you?” lol

I mean they raised them. If they have a problem, why don’t they worry about their own kid? Have to work within one’s ability to do things. Stay in the moment. You can only do what you can do. But who is going to listen to someone constantly going on the internet and saying how much they hate everyone. That is some attention and energy you could be giving to your kid, but they probably won’t do that because their kid got fed up with their ■■■■ attitude lol


It is common to incite hatred between different races, religions and nationalities. And now we have superiority between different generations.
I find it funny when I see things from other’s cultures. It is “long known” fritters in my culture is the best, but it is astonishing when one of my colleague from other’s culture made similar remark- “It is crispy because it was cooked by [his ethnicity]”.
Just a matter of different point of view, IMO.

I don’t thnk I do that. Does that mean I’m easy going or just not old yet? lol Maybe it’s because I didn’t make any mini-me’s.

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I know this is probably just as bad,

But I feel sorry for younger generations.

They only do things so they can take pictures of it,

They’re entire lives revolve around vanity and social media,

And the music sucks.

I know, I know,

Thinking this way is part of the problem,

But its hard not to.


It’s usually the racist sexist bigoted assholes that are angry that the next generation is calling them out on being racist, sexist, bigoted assholes that seems to be the problem. You don’t get many progressive leaning baby boomers complaining about millennials.


I wouldn’t mind older generations if they weren’t so rude. I was standing next to two old women yesterday, just watching some art, then one of them sees me and tells the other one loudly to keep an eye on her backpack. I know most people aren’t like this though. Most people are nice regardless of what generation they belong to.


@GoldenRex very insightful about the vanity via pictures. Things they’ll never look at again or at most a 20 second conversation piece.


If my gramma isn’t complaining she isn’t talking. I love her but her complaining about the advancement of technology gets me. She told she doesn’t like the smart phones so I told her I didn’t like the butterchurn. Btw this was a light hearted conversation we had. :slight_smile:

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I’m not that old. But I think what you are referring to is lack of purpose. Everyone goes through that at some point I think. Some never get out. My father made it his purpose to make lots of money and we did well around that idea. Until he was overcome with that idea and “became god” so to speak. He isn’t doing too well now compared to that ideal so I think now he is trying to reassess his priorities. He hasn’t truly come full circle to the idea that he is just a pleb (in his own mind).

But anyways I went off on a tangent. There are ways to overcome the lack of purpose by doing what’s called “self authoring”. Essentially you create the best thing you could possibly think of as your ideal and that becomes your goal. Your subconscious works around that to propel you further and further into that goal. Is crazy but it’s true.

So when I see this

I don’t really see it as “vanity” as in looking into a mirror and saying “damn I’m sexy as ■■■■, I would ■■■■ my ■■■■ any ■■■■■■■ day. ■■■■ yeah I’m down” I see it more as trying to get approval. So it is vanity in a different sort of way. It’s vanity in the idea that the mirror is put outside oneself. So the concept of oneself is put outside to a degree and so much so for some that it hurts them psychologically and emotionally. Aztec’s would call this the “smokey mirror” or the “Jaguar” which is my birth name. And yes, I do identify with the smokey mirror concept cuz I get tired of having to deal with people asking me about personal fitness. I have other things in life. Everywhere I go, it’s like “can you help me with this?” and I always tell them no because I’m just tryna find a place to chill. So I just don’t hold back my frustration with those people. I’m not certified yet and I have a long way to go before I will actually apply for a job. But I still love myself and I don’t care what anyone says.


I read your post and the thing about self authoring just stood out to me. My problem is that I compare myself way too much with other people. Not by looks or money but by societal standards. I’m getting better but it can be icky to sit down and think about myself.


Well I guess yeah when you try to live up to other people’s standards it can be really frustrating to look at yourself.

But also some people (like my father which really bugs me) try to make you live by their standards. So that’s frustrating to me personally.

If you have, like $30 you can get the full self authoring program from a clinical psychologist. I just listened to some of the podcasts that Jordan Peterson was on and that’s helped me tons in feeling better about myself and all sorts of things.

But a lot of it has to come from what you value personally so I’ve been there. I know what I value. I know I value myself, but I also value the well being of others. I also love to exercise and be sexy as ■■■■. So personal training was a great career for me.

The self authoring thing here.


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