College majors

I’m just curious of how many you go to school, and if so what is your major? Mine is engineering.


I went to university 25 years ago and studied engineering. I failed to get my degree. That messed me up for about 24 years. I’m over it now though, lol.


Three years auto…Dr of Motors, and part that I wanted I never got done with ART masters. industrial …


I graduated college for computer programming 6 years ago. Never really pursued that field. More focused on writing literature nowadays.

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I’m in college for Bookkeeping.


I’m changing mine to Sociology. I want to work at a psych ward.

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I haven’t finished, have 1 semester left, but hope to go back. My major was Exercise Science.

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It’s crazy in those places. The nurses poke fun at the patients, from my perspective.

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I’ve been a patient in a psych ward 3 different times. Everyone was pretty nice to me. I was hallucinating pretty bad though. Didn’t really experience any disrespect. I was slightly hostile too.


I didn’t break the law or anything and I said I wanted a family. A guy working there said all you need is a 2 year degree to work here. I have my college paid by the military. So might as well.

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im going back to school later in life, now 33.

to start ill be studying biology at a community college. if that goes well i’d like to transfer and get my undergrad in horticulture and then finally my graduates in turf management.

i qualify for financial aid now, so might as well take advantage of it


I graduated in November with a degree in psychology and humanities, I’m currently doing a second degree in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, I’m in year 2’ my first degree will help me have qualifications along side my personal experience to specialise in mental health. I’m doing a research presentation in March on acupuncture and schiz! It’s helped me anyway! Good luck everyone studying, embrace the journey!


I majored in geography when I was in school


I’ve been in college for almost ten years now. It’s so depressing. I started out as a biochemistry major, changed to biology, dropped out, went to community college and switched to business. Transferred to another four year university in September and am an accounting major. I’m sad to say that I probably will only graduate if everything goes well a couple of months before I turn 30 years old. Luckily for me even if I don’t get hired anywhere else I can still work as an accountant at my dad’s office. I feel like such a failure.


I am currently enrolled part time. My major is applied psychology:mental health services :slight_smile:


I was going for a double major in psychology and science. The stress was too much for me though.

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Engineering, wow nice!

I start part time through an online university in February. Major is in applied mathematics.

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I went to university 37 years ago and my major was nursing. I graduated with a bachelors of science in nursing in 1986.

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Got kicked out of university with a low grade point average. Was majoring in english literature and communication.

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Economics $151515

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