College majors

My undergrad degree is in English Literature. My MA is in Teacher Leadership. I was working on a Doctorate in Educational Administration when I got sick. I want to go back to school for a Master’s in Business Administration or, failing that, a Doctorate in Public Administration.

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I tried studying engineering also. I did poorly and eventually gave up and switched to a computer science degree which I finished.

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I graduated in Architecture in 1990. i designed furniture and store fronts then moved to residential design while interning for my license…never made it because I got sick in 1997.

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I got two degrees, and I am actually very proud of it, unlike a lot of other things I’ve done.

You’d be surprised of what you can accomplish.


graduate school of hard knocks

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I feel like my MA was a waste, and so was my time spent on my EdD. I guess I’m not proud of mine.


I can relate to that. Mine almost seem like a waste because I’m not capable of working right now. But I’m still happy I tried and have that to fall back on if I am ever doing better.


I have a bachelor’s in health care administration. I’ve been too sick to use it for the most part.

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Well I change my major more than my underwear probably. LOL. :joy:

All joking aside, when I return to school I want to major in Chicano studies/and/or Native American studies.

I currently have two A.A.S. degrees. But neither are in fields that interest me.

My biggest dream is to finish my bachelors.

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I feel like my B.S.N. was a waste of time too. I’m not all that proud of it either. I can’t do anything with it today. Without a license, it’s worthless. I’m too sick to work in the nursing field anyway.

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True. At least we finished them, right?


Yeah, you got that right :blush:

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I’m going for a 4 year degree in physical therapy, 2 years in… :dizzy_face:


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