MONDAY, March 14, 2016 – What’s the best way to kick a smoking habit? New research suggests quitting all at once beats a more gradual approach.
The study found that after four weeks, nearly half of those who quit “cold turkey” were still not smoking. But, among people who quit gradually over two weeks, only 39 percent were smoke-free at four weeks, researchers said.
I quit one time cold turkey and after two weeks I started smoking again and the withdrawal symptoms had even disappeared. About two years later I quit with the patch and it was very very hard to do and the process of quitting was drawn out over weeks but I did it and that was at the beginning of the summer last year. Haven’t smoked since and I feel so so so much better. I smoked a pack a day and it was a struggle to only smoke that much. Point is you can do it! You have to make up ur mind. If you truly are not wanting to quit then you probably won’t. The struggle is worth it!
This is how I quit smoking pot. Why I quit smoking pot though lol, that’s another story.
I tried quitting cold turkey, tried cutting down, tried reading books (back in the day), tried the patch, inhalers, spray, gum. The only thing that got me off real cigarettes was e-cigs. Even with ecigs, the beginner type (ego) didn’t work.
Yeah, I’ve quit some of the nastier drugs but nicotine persists.
anyone want to commit to quit with a date?
I really need to.
April 22 is my date.
Earth Day!
The easiest for me was the patch. As you might have perceived, I have ‘quit’ more than once.
The time that lasted the longest - 16 years - supposedly forever was ‘cold turkey’ when I was disgusted with myself every time I let smoking take over my self-discipline - for a year or so.
I think for me it’s like a placebo habit, or something. I smoke so much that there’s pretty much no way it’s really taking the edge off most of the time. I think it did when I first started, and so I formed this connection in my mind between smoke a cigarette and stress relief. And since I’m stressed out most of the time, there’s that very strong compulsion, and also a lack of faith in anything else. But by now after several years, I imagine my brain has adjusted accordingly and no longer gets any sort of relaxation effect from a cigarette. I think I smoke the same way I pluck my eyebrows, or the same way I pace in circles and talk to myself. It’s just a strong compulsion for trying to desperately not feel insane. Hopefully medication will be able to lessen the need for it.
I quit cold tuckey from a 30 a day smoker
I quit because I smoked like you i felt I wouldn’t be around for long @60 a day
Cold turkey is how I last quit for three years. I’m quitting in a few days cold turkey, soon as I finish this last pack of rolling tobacco. I’ve worked out I’ll save £150+ (A month) when I quit. Wish me luck!
Best of luck @Green!
Thanks Wave! 1515151515
Good luck green. I quit cold turkey once. I couldn’t do it a second time though so I vape now. Maybe I could cold turkey the vape.
Of course it is!
Smoking is an addiction and if you replace and addiction with so,ething else you just gret addicted to the so,ething else.
Thanks everhopeful!, this is my last day of smoking.
How’s that work if you’re mentally ill. Seems it can be used as self medicating in some way as does regulate antipsychotics. Feel I’m a threat to society and my self every time I do quit.
Dreamscape the anger goes away after two weeks…
You can quit if you want to.