Cold food ideas

It is very hot and I am on strike from cooking. What are your favorite cold meals (no meat please) for when it is too hot to cook?


I would say a nice salad or something from Subway. :orangutan::orangutan::orangutan:


Do smoothies count as food?

I made one with a frozen banana (helps it really bulk up when blended), almond butter powder, sugar free sweetener+sugar free chocolate syrup, and milk+ice. I guess that’s a chocolate banana almond butter smoothie?

I feel like I could burst. ( x _ x )


I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. Extra crunchy peanut butter and blackberry preserves.
Sometimes I’ll have hummus on naan bread with cucumber slices.


I forgot about smoothies. That’s a good suggestion. :rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2:


ice cream 1234567890


You could have a nice chef’s salad.

Then maybe make a no bake cheesecake.

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you can always nuke a baked potato and put all the fixin’s on it…it’s not cold food though…I guess a nice salad would be good…

Bacon ranch pasta salad. You can use imitation bacon chips.

1 lb pasta shells
Shredded carrots (2)
1 can sweet peas
1/4 cup imitation bacon bits
1 bottle good ranch dressing

Cook the shells, drain, and rinse with cold water until pasta is chilled. Mix everything together, add in ranch and stir until it’s all covered. Enjoy!

Also, the dressing g will get absorbed by the pasta as it sits. Add more later if you have leftovers or it’ll be dry.


It too hot here too, 40C with humidity.

I am,sadly, deathly allergic.

Carrots, right. You don’t need carrots

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I like to refrigerate a can of tuna then open it, mix it with mayonnaise, and make a sandwich with it. A dash of salt doesn’t hurt either.


I’ve never had canned fish before. What does it taste like?

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Yea I do same and canned chicken breast with mayo too.

Wow you haven’t? That’s surprising to me. I don’t eat white albacore, just standard tuna. It tastes really good. Some people complain that it tastes too fishy but I like it. Very flavorful. It’s one of my favorite sandwiches at subway.

I used to share the cans I opened with my kitty when she was alive.

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Hummus and pita bread, maybe?

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I’m a bougie ■■■■■■■. I didn’t even know food other than tomato sauce came in cans until I was like 14 and a friend’s mom made canned corn.

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How about a fruit salad? Cold watermelon slices on a hot day…


If you buy tuna, get the name brand. Starkist is good. The others are often caught near Thailand in gross water. It smells and tastes gross. I did some reading about them after a few cans I had from the food pantry smelled awful.

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