Time to get up and go… sit at my computer
Yo moon…through a glass of coffee to me…i like coffee some time…
I’m still awake Is it the modafinil still or am I just not sleepy tonight, idk. Yikes
Is tommrrow holiday @Anna …???
Anna your on modafinil?! How’s it going for you?
Nah but I set up my work schedule so it’s not until the late afternoon so I could sleep with my natural schedule and still have time to get school work done beforehand.
@Moonwalker well it’s just my first day but it went pretty well! Nothing bad happened. Was like taking an energy drink but without all the excess sugar that was so unhealthy for me.
Wow I’m quite happy for you! Hope you can beat the fatigue with it and get some extra brain power too. Yay
@Anna they won’t let me try that over here in Australia. You need to be narcoleptic.
Meanwhile I sleep 10 hours a day. It’s no fun and no fair…hope it goes well for you! I’d love some more energy and that is the only thing I miss from those psychotic days is that energy!¬
Yeah same in US you have to have sleep disorder or ADHD. I happen to have a sleep disorder. I don’t agree with the policy because so many other people have debilitating tiredness/sleepiness as part of their condition or as a med side effect but too many dumb college kids abusing them and selling them as study aids caused these policies
Two lovely mugs of tea for me this morning
What dose are you starting with and what do you expect to ramp up to?
I’m on 200 mg right now and I think that was fine for me. I can’t say for sure since I’ve only taken it once so far. My doctor prescribed me to take it 3x a day but told me to take it slow and see what worked for me and my insurance wouldn’t approve 3x a day anyways.
I usually just drank one energy drink to get me through the day. I really would say the boost I get from them is equivalent. Energy drinks put me at the energy of what I imagine a normal person has. I can be awake for more than 2-3 hours at a time w/out experiencing intense drowsiness and the need to sleep. It’s nice.
I take 400 mg in the morning and then drink a couple of strong coffees, though I’ve probably got some tolerance built up. I’ve even taken it and fallen back to sleep. But it can have stronger effects when you first start and I have heard of people staying awake on it if you take it late in the day. Typically though it shouldn’t stop you from being able to fall asleep
I took it at 2 pm, but given that I’m basically nocturnal anyways I could just be up because of my brain right now as well. If I build tolerance I’ll go up. I would like to not use it every day but realistically, I need to use it every day unless I have barely anything I want to accomplish that day. My sleepiness really badly affects my functioning. Like I said normally I can only remain awake for 2-3 hours at a time. Then I end up taking a 1-2 hour nap.
I would think that if you do as your dr directed you’ll be able to stay awake the whole day without the feeling of crushing fatigue. But it’s usually best to ramp up and go based on how you feel. If it’s the afternoon and I’m dragging I’ll take more, but not exceeding 600mg.
My dr who is very flexible which I like, is trying to get me to cut down, but time and time again I have to explain that I take what I need to function. He’s read those articles about people with bad reactions and tries to show me, even though I’ve been taking modafinil for over 5 maybe 7 years with no issues
definately coffee time here. just got some of the fancy refrigorated creamer that is flavored. i love this stuff.
Just woke up having a morning coffee
oh you are an evil one! I was planning to skip the caffeine today!
Nothing like going without coffee to make you loathe even the most loved in your life.
I’m so chemically unstable it really bothers me. Last week I was feeling bright and positive. Now I have to spend 8 hours on my feet cooking every time I work just to maintain heading in life.
Got into work today and the girl who was on make with me was so sour and impossible to communicate with me. It destroyed the pride I just built by making it into work at all after waking up late and in a rush.
Chick’s gonna lead me to kill myself… jeeze, I get that she’s been through some ■■■■, but damn. I almost think I’ve never worked with someone who is that foully weird yet.