Clozapine making me piss myself

Anyone experience bed wetting/incontinence due to clozapine?

I’ve heard other people on here complain about it, yes.

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By any glance you know if they were taking something to counteract it?

No they weren’t as far as I know. I think they were using incontinence pads or something though.

I’m on Clozaril and it happens to me too; also excessive drooling.

Probably. I am sure this has happened to more than one person.

I don’t know how your healthcare system works. You are on Clozaril which is a very expensive medication in Canada. I would think that you would be able to get something like DDAVP (desmopressin) from your prescriber of Clozaril. If not however, suggest you set alarm during night to wake once or twice to use bathroom; thus avoid wetting.

I wouldn’t restrict fluids at bedtime because that and the Clozaril could lower your blood pressure to the point of passing out. Best wishes and have your doctor rule out diabetes and a urinary tract infection.

Thanks. I am also from Canada and the pdoc told me clozapine is covered by the government. Maybe I heard wrong.

Unfortunately that’s one of the side effects.

Im on same crap I hate it. Makes me drool a lot

When I was on clozapine and in hospital I also wet myself once. Made me drool and sleep all day. Horrible so they changed me to risperidone which helped much more. That was in 2004-2005

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