Chronic pain

Does anyone’s body hurt all the time is that normal for human being to just be in a state of pain at all times my body is uncomfortable working out in pain at all times when I’m walking the rest doing anything


I know how this sounds,


Have you ever tried yoga?

That stuff relieved pain I didn’t even know I had.

Really helps with that kind of stuff.

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No. Not at all.

swallows hydrocodone, tramadol, ibuprofen, and aspirin

Why do you ask?


So euphoria helps, and extreme cardio, but i think some people are just blessed or cursed.

I wasnt in pain as a child, which makes me think there is probably aomething wrong with me.

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My body was hurting because of depression


Well, in my case I am 47 and have several chronic conditions. I also abused my body as a teen and in my 20s working on a farm, then as a CNA.

I don’t think I have a joint in my body free of arthritis and I have 2 forms. Lol.


Sorry to hear you have arthritis that’s a bummer

It is what it is. I use Lion’s Mane for anxiety and it also helps pain.

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It seriously helps?

I once saw a documentary about a multidisciplinary pain clinic. Seemed like a lot of people suffer from chronic pain.


It does for me and my husband. He has severe neuropathy and experiences a lot of nerve pain. He noticed less pain in a week or so.

My anxiety was helped the very first day I took it. Now, I was skeptical and took it for sh1ts and giggles. Imagine my surprise when I took it and at Walmart I wandered off on my own. For the first time in 20 years. Up until then I had to have my husband in my sight or I’d have a panic attack.

I use Lion’s Mane from RealMushrooms. Its about $30 for a 2 month supply.


Ok i will try it!

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Be sure to buy that exact brand. I can’t vouch for any other

RealMushrooms makes their stuff from the actual mushroom not the mycelium. There’s a difference because the medicinal properties are in the fruiting body.

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Ordered it from amazon.

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Thanks for the tip. I just told my husband about it. We’re going to buy some next paycheck off Amazon. Got it in the cart already. He has severe chronic pain and has a pain pump. He wants to stop using the pain meds though because he feels like the 24/7 infusion of delaudid and bupivocane (for nerve pain) through the pain pump is destroying his body. He’s trying to find alternatives. He tried medical marijuana and had a terrible reaction to it and is afraid to try again. We’re trying to add supplements etc and see what helps.


Wow im so sorry to hear about your husband.

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I buy a potent Lions Mane extract called Amyloban 3399. It works so well that I was able to stop using Vicodin, which I had become addicted to. I was badly injured in my 20s and my neck, back, right shoulder and knee have suffered chronic pain since.


Thanks @FreeLunch . He had a good portion of his lower spine fused, plus gas rods and plates in his spine. He broke his back in 4 places from his neck down to his lumbar spine. The surgeries didn’t ease his chronic pain or help his legs work better unfortunately.

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My body sort of has a constant dull ache with random sharp pains. It’s honestly awful. I wish my body would just chill out a little.

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Yeah thats what im talking about.
Constant dull pain

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