Check this out you guys


my state doesn’t have a coordinator to contact,
but I think I can still go to


and look for something.
Also,, you can typed in disabled part time jobs,
and it might lead to something.

Wish me luck. I want something to do, and some cash!


I searched jobs disability and it came up with jobs working with people with disabilities

Also some said “we hire people regardless of disability etc etc”…which I consider far from a guarantee

the one I want Jon

is Independent Job Consultant

work from home, part time
helping those disabled find work

if anybody knows about searching
for work, it’s me

try typing it in and see if have
an opening in your area

Maybe we should create a site like indeed, but for disabled people only Doesn’t load for me


that’s where I found that job

always like the jobs where the
employer is invisible

they all ask now if I have a disability

on the application process

What if you start off the interview process by asking " do you hire disabled workers?" Or is that too pushy.

Because I’m a white male without a degree, I don’t appear disabled so it’s hard to get a job, but maybe if they knew off the bat I was disabled they’d give me an extra eye?

Not at the places I’ve tried recently…only one place did and then she never called me back

yes there is a need for the disabled to get
the right jobs for them

it’s a good idea creating our own site

hmm, I would say only if you need the law
to reveal your disability

it shouldn’t have bearing at all on getting hired

I applied for a summer part time job. Custodial. $12 per hour. Didn’t tell them I was disabled.

What I mean is,

reveal it in the app
because I think they get tax credits
for hiring disabled/poor workers

sadly that might be the only reason
why they ask

It was just indeed resume apply

Didn’t say anything about disability

I told them I’ve been. Out of work for a while. If they ask why, I’ll say I’m disabled and I’ve been recovering from my ailment

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Thank you daze …

Heck yes!!! I loved my state job! I would love working with that kind of power behind me again.

Thanks @Daze!


@metime have you heard of the Ticket to Work program?

SSA called me once and I did a whole phone interview,
and someone called me back a few weeks later

and said I wasn’t eligible. ? I was disappointed
because they were going to put me in a job.

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i’m going to try and call a careers adviser today

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i’ve got an appointment tomorrow :slight_smile:

i asked and it is totally confidential, thank god


I’ve never heard of Ticket to Work. I could ask Vocational Rehabilitation maybe. I don’t know how to find them.