They need an active chat forum for us
This gets brought periodically—here are some search results.
Q_Q sad
Cant we revive now …!!!
Bring forth the chaos! Let it devour this site and all the denizens that dwell within it! Lo, the rabble has spoken!
Go start your own chat room and send out some invites.
Two things to know about chat rooms:
- The owner of the chat room is legally responsible for any illegal or hateful comment made by the room’s participants. There is now a large number of cases in both the U.S. and Canada setting precedent here. Large damages have been assessed against chat room operators by courts.
- In light of the above, both personal and commercial insurance plans now specifically include chat rooms and comment sections on Web sites from their liability coverage. You have to buy this coverage on its own and it is INCREDIBLY expensive.
In short, @SzAdmin would have to be nuttier than the lot of us combined to want to assume that sort of legal liability. Someone provoking someone else in the room to commit suicide could result in a judgement that would not only steal his future, but that of his children as well.
If you want a chat room, go for it, but you need to own all the risk rather than ask someone else to unfairly shoulder that burden for you. Poor SzAdmin carries enough already.
We do have the PM feature, which works fairly instantly.
psychcentral have a good chat going and thats a mixture of people with mental illness, haven’t seen too many trolls but bad behaviour is dealt with quite swiftly, i’ve been on it for a while now and i like it, the people are nice.
I want to be a chatbot !
I think I went there once, it just did not click with me. Not my type of people