So I’ve talked to my therapist about how much “dark stuff” I like and she’s asked if I think it could be affecting my mood and overall mental health and maybe it does… It don’t help my mom is controlling, narcissistic, and beats me mentally down until I’m drained and sad. I have a plan though…
I’m gonna eat cheaper, start going to the gym (Medicare makes gym membership free to me)
try and watch happier less dark movies and music, get into anime since it was always something I have been interested in, save as much as we can and pay off our bills as fast as we can before finding a house and buying it…
With how mentally abusive my mom is I will either limit interactions with her or block her from my life as my brother has both our parents (I’ve blocked my father already) I want to have a good life surrounded by supportive open people… I have no clue how I became so open and understanding when she’s so closed and hateful… I’m honestly not sure…
I want to be more “feminine” and have better hygiene… I can’t wait to have a bubble bath again… We only have a shower here…
@roxanna the easiest things to cut the price on in your life is food and outings… We plan to still do our outings we have planned but not anymore than that and only doing those are already paid for! Might as well not enjoy what’s been paid for! Also camping after you have everything is free! Floating the river after you get a inflatable boat? Free! Fishing a minimum of $10 a year! It’s so easy to find cheap or free things to do around here! My big thing will be eating out… That’s gonna be hard!
You can make a lot of good meals just by looking in the produce section of anywhere that’s not Whole Foods. Peppers are my favorite veggie because you can eat them raw, or add them to just about anything.
Right now the hard part is finding not so insanely expensive meat proteins. Eggs are up in price, but if locally aren’t out of the realm of less expensive.
@Squanchy I wish I could agree on prices of produce around here even before covid bell peppers were $2 each! All the veggies are always expensive around here unless you get potatoes… $3 for 5 lbs not bad. Eggs aren’t bad prices though $1.50 per dozen
@Squanchy farmers market around here actually tend to be more expensive than the store due to the majors in around my local towns within about 50 mile radius made an extra tax for not doing deals with the stores it’s really bad… After I move I plan to grow my own garden so it’ll be cheaper since veggie seeds are less than $1.50 for a packet with lots of seeds