Has anyone tried the herb Chamomile ? How did you get on with it? The only thing I’m worried about is its supposed to act as a mild blood thinner.
I drink chamomile tea as a relaxant
I’m thinking of getting capsules as I tried tea before and didn’t notice anything.
I too drink chamomile tea, it puts me to sleep.
have you tried drinking tea that is meant to calm you down or make you fall sleep?
No I haven’t. I might investigate that, thanks for the idea.
I drink chamomile tea when I can’t sleep, like others have mentioned. It works really well. You should give it a try.
Well, I just ordered this
So hopefully it’ll do something.
I hope the capsules you ordered work out for you
Well, the capsules arrived. I took one about 2 hours ago, and haven’t really noticed any difference. The bottle said to take 2, so I’ll try that tomorrow. Looks like a failed experiment though.
Hmmm… 2 capsules did do something. I feel slightly depressed and slightly sleepy. It feels like it would be useful in future. It can see myself using it for emergencies. I wouldn’t use it regularly due to the potential blood thinning effect.