Cbd oil helpful or not?

I read that CBD oil is used for many things including Anxiety but does it work and how does it work has anyone tried it for Schizophrenia or Bipolar disorder? I am thinking of buying some for my Anxiety but I don’t know need more information before jumping in and buying it without really knowing if it would help me or not please advice thanks in advance.

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It’s very, very expensive and I don’t notice any real difference. I’ve been taking it for four years and recently discovered that it’s really not making much difference in my anxiety or arthritis pain levels. It had more like a placebo effect for a while.

I tried it out here in CA last time I came and it just made my head swim a little. I didn’t notice any effect on the symptoms.

cbd has the same effects of cannabis cuz its extracted from cannabis
so i dont advice you to take it
try prozac its very effective for depression and anxiety

I don’t know. It’s expensive and it’s hard to know if you’re getting good quality stuff. It made me a bit more cheerful and energetic when i was taking it. I’ve heard only good things about it. Worth a try maybe!

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It’s good for sleep. I tried several versions (e-juice, drops, capsules and edibles)

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ok thanks will look into it more just curious about it that’s all I see it in alternative health food stores and just was wondering haven’t bought any yet thanks for the advice and the replies something to think over before I buy any if I do I may not.

I tried it and didn’t like the way it made me feel. I also heard later that it interacts with antipsychotics.

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My doc says it help anxiety an sleep and I can try if I want to.

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Didnt help me. And is expensive too

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