Also - there have been many discussions on this topic here during the past 6 months - you might want to search using the search button in the upper left corner of the site.
Here are some examples:
I found a crap load of studies on pubmed saying this stuff works with only side effects being sedation but it almost sounds too good to be true. i know a lot of pot heads might want to use it as an excuse, but seriously have people here tried the low THc high CBD medical marijuana and had their psychosis go away?
I’m honestly confused why I can’t find reviews of cbd longterm for psychosis/schizophrenia/hppd. Can someone explain this lack of information on this important compound to me?
I’m aware it’s quite expensive, and I’m aware that there are many companies selling fraudulent products, or products that combine other compounds in addition to cbd which change its effect. However, why no useful information other than a small 2012 40 person study?
Has anyone tried this high CBD strain of marijuana?
I was just researching CBD for the treatment of epilepsy (I have a dog who is epileptic), but came across some fascinating articles about CBD being used for the alleviation of the symptoms of schizophrenia. It seems like the research is just beginning and we are a ways away from a CBD pill hitting the market, though.
My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia several years ago, so I am interested in CBD as an alternative or supplemental treatment for him. He has experienced many negative side effects from the drugs he is currently on, including weight gain. It sounds like CBD can be just as effective as commonly prescribed pharmaceutical options for schizophrenia, but without the uncomf…
During the past three, four years, I have been experimenting with cbd rich marijuana. My experience with it has been nothing short of a breakthrough: a reduction in symptoms (both + and -) and an ability to function at a higher level than when medicated on psychotropics.
What is the consensus around this in the schizophrenia community? Is the feeling that it is “still pot” and therefore not taken seriously or are people diagnosed discussing it as a potential treatment option?
I have been blogging my findings for the past eight months along with what I believe to be useful information for persons dz with schizophrenia:
I would like to take what is written on this thread …