Cats vs. Dogs

Why not a DoCatorisozaur :joy::joy:


Good to see you back @anon20787234 hope all is well with you

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Thank you mate. I am doing good today. How are you? I know last time you were having problems with the social servicies

All is good here.

Today has started well.

Have been up and down recently.

What you been up to?

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I was doing music most of the time, nothing fancy.

Other then that i have been on discors all day everyday.

You should come back, its a nice enviorment :blush:


Hmmmm… Tough one.

Generally, I prefer dogs as they’re more chill and predictable in a way.

But I’ve met some cats that were amazing as well, so it’s difficult to choose between the two.

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Boo…I knew cats would win this poll if it went on long enough. They always win these polls. Much closer this time though. Perhaps the tide is turning… :dog2: :dog: :stuck_out_tongue:


Mason is adorable!

Our cats require massive amounts of attention. It’s funny bc they always want it when I don’t want to give it.

Our doggy Oliver is a professional licker and pawer. Anything for a chest rub.

I’m definitely a cat person though.


Let’s all be honest we need a dog/cat hybrid! All the loyalty of a cat with all the cleanliness of a dog!

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I’m a dog person all the way! I appreciate all creatures on the planet, except maybe mosquitoes, but dogs bring me a certain happiness that are only rivaled by my tortoise.

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