We were making a 4 hour trip for a mini vacation. Well, almost halfway there, the car started making a grinding noise and wouldn’t accelerate any more, to pass someone. We were only going the speed limit to pass.
We quickly got over to the shoulder of the freeway… The check engine light came on and a bunch of other lights. Hubby quickly turned off the car. But then he tried to turn it back on and it was making a loud grinding noise again. So, quickly turned it off again.
We were going to meet my dad, his GF, my brother, and his GF. I called my dad. He’s behind us and so is my brother. They’ll both pull over when they get to us. They’re gonna probably take our bags and bikes and then we’ll go with them. We’ll have to have our car towed to the nearest Subaru dealership.
@Aziz - Oh, jeez. Yeah, it sucks. A few years back, a tire popped and shredded, on my husband’s car. That was scary, cause I briefly lost control of the car as I tried to pull over.
@GrayBear - Thank you. I hope they can fix it quickly and that it won’t cost too much to fix.
If you have roadside assistance you can send in the towing bill and get reimbursed. I only got partially reimbursed last time since I didn’t use a close mechanic.
My brother and his GF just got here. We put our bags in their trunk. Now we’re just waiting for the tow truck driver to show up. And also waiting for my dad to get here. We’re going to put our bikes in his car.
Did the oil leak out? Is something attached to the serpentine belt making the grinding noise? The water pump or the alternator? I thought you’ve mentioned you car is not old sounds like it’s still under warranty.
The tow truck guys have towed our car away, to the dealership. Our bikes are in my dad’s giant vehicle. Hubby and I are riding with my brother and his GF, now. Onward to the mini vacation!!
I’m just thankful that we’re still able to go have fun for the weekend.