A warm ass

I don’t know exactly how or why, but I am over being shaken by the car accident today and find I have a new way of being. I’m not going around yelling fault at anyone, because it was just that, an accident, a mistake and humans make mistakes everyday. And it warms my usually cold assed approach to people. The kid at fault was only16 and I’m not going to feel harshly toward her as I don’t want to and even if I wanted to, it would do no good. So it’s just another day, another dollar for the garage man. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s very kind of you. You’re right, accidents do happen, and the younger you are the more inexperienced you are with driving. Hope you’re okay and not too shaken up by the whole ordeal.

Actually the biggest ordeal of it is going to be dealing with insurance and repairs. The human element, for me, is ok.

Ah yes, insurance and repairs. That is quite a monumental task in its own right. Hopefully you don’t get screwed and they pay you fairly.

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